Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Not-So-Empty Purse

I carry a purse.
This isn’t unusual.
I carry lots of necessities in it.
A small first-aid kit.
A screwdriver.
A flashlight.
Assorted small toys to entertain grandchildren.
A book.
Used Kleenex.
But there is not (and never has been) a kitchen sink.
I just thought I’d mention that.
My Husby teases me about my purse.
With many and varied references to said kitchen sink.
I have discovered that he is not alone in this.
Let me explain . . .
We were holidaying aboard a tall ship in the Mediterranean.
Our ship was anchored in the bay near Santorini.
Let me take the opportunity to encourage you to go.
It’s . . . nice.
Moving on . . .
The ship was sending us pampered passengers to the island in the launch.
There were helpful attractive-young-men-persons to help us on and off.
One elderly couple were a trifle concerned during this process.
The woman, perched precariously between sea and sky, dropped her purse.
Before it could hit the water, it was snatched from grief by a quick-witted (and very fast) attractive-young-man-person.
Who proceeded to hand it back to its owner, now safely on board.
She thanked him graciously and commended him for his lightning reflexes and quick wits. Then she turned to her husband.
“It probably would have been all right, wouldn’t it, hon? It would have floated for a few seconds at least.”
Her husband grinned at my husby. A conspiratorial man-grin. “Are you kidding?” he asked. “Straight to the bottom! Kitchen sinks don’t float!”

Our steed.


  1. Kitchen sink stories. They are told around the world.

  2. Everything but the kitchen sink....if I had a dollar for every time I'd heard that.....well, we know how that goes.
    Why is your first aid kit empty? You have grandchildren, you need to restock it with colourful bandaids. Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street bandaids dry up tears quicker than any hug. Fairies and Pirates work well too.

    1. Oooh! They have pirate band-aids?! Heading to the store . . .

  3. Been there with the big purse and everything but the ....you know. Now, I carry the tiniest little wallet sized purse...light...easy...haven't missed anything yet.

  4. The bigger the purse, the more stuff find its way there. Go small.

    1. Tried that. Hated not having my stuff. Now my purse is a backpack. Distributes the weight! :)

  5. Oh, wow - how lucky she was to have her purse saved from grief!

    And lucky for that young man that he was strong enough to catch it and not be pulled over the side :)

  6. That one was way cute. Of course, I can relate because my purse is like yours and my husband as said the same thing yours has.
    Blessings for the smile today~


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