Saturday, November 9, 2013

Streaker Peeking

Tell me you remember this.
The weirdest fad, ever, to show its hiney to the world.
Well, the only fad to ever show . . . never mind.
I was in college when I first became aware of this . . . dare I call it a phenomenon?
Yep. My current boyfriend and I were sitting at the local Dog ‘n Suds.
A car-hop burger joint.
Enjoying one Texas burger, one yummy Chili Dog and two of the ‘World’s creamiest root beers’.
With fries.
Suddenly, he stopped, mid-chew, and pointed.
I turned.
And almost choked on my hot dog.
Three young men, of varying size and . . . well, size, were coming toward us.
On the run.
They ‘streaked’ past the burger joint, through the parking lot of the next door Chinese food place and disappeared.
I know it’s not polite to leave your mouth hanging open, especially during meal time and especially when it’s full of food.
My mom would have pitched a fit.
Okay, first she would have fainted dead away at the sight of three naked, young men running hard past her ‘dining table’. Then she would have been revived and coached over her shock. Then she would have pitched a fit.
But she wasn’t there.
And her daughter was.
Let’s face it, that hot dog was cold before it got swallowed.
Then I turned and looked at my boyfriend.
“Did we see what I think we just saw?”
He nodded, grinning. “And we knew two of them.”
It was true. Two of them went to the same college as us.
One of them was even an ex-boyfriend.
After that, it was not uncommon to see naked bodies running.
Mostly through parking lots and drive-ins.
Football games and other sporting events.
And at least one down the long main concourse of the College mall.
The fad rather died out when winter hit.
It is Canada, the famous ‘nipper’ of regions nether.
And that when one is fully-clothed.
Oh, a few hardy souls still managed.
The fastest, fittest runners.
The rest of us huddled in our overcoats and shivered for them.
And then, suddenly, the fad was gone.
Yesterday, I was at the swimming pool.
Where ‘brief’ is the abiding fashion statement.
Streaking is back.


  1. 'Oh yes, they call him The Streak...' My wife and I were at a football game a few years ago. I was snapping pictures and shooting some video when Kenz suddenly said: 'Look, a streaker!' That was one of four or five that scaled the fence and made it onto the playing field. I left the game rather disappointed. 'Why don't women go streaking?' I griped. 'Guys are no fun, unless you're queer.' Kenz responded with: 'Everyone would be gang-dressing us.'

  2. Haha it was because of this fad that I saw my first naked man when I was a little girl in Oregon. One of the few early childhood memories I still have...hmmm. LOL

  3. Still happens now and again...they are usually arrested before anyone gets to have any fun with it.

  4. Yep, I remember, even though I'd rather forget!

  5. I remember that fad! It wasn't big out here in Aus. with sunburn a distinct possibility and I never saw any streakers in real life only on TV news when they were caught streaking across the cricket oval.

    1. Heehee! Sunburn wasn't a concern here! Now frostbite . . .

  6. It was the weirdest fad. Must have been strange to know two of them! I'm afraid to ask how you *recognized* them!

    1. Heehee! Good question! It took a minute, because, let's face it, at first I wasn't looking at faces!

  7. Oh my! What can I say! The whole thing is just an embarrassment to me. I am so embarrassed for those poor young men. That would have ended up on Facebook for sure if it happened today!...or UTube for sure.
    Uh stunned!


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