Thursday, December 12, 2013

Night Before Christmas - Female Version

On the night before Christmas, long hours ahead
The toddler still up, I’d just got her to bed.
The stockings were hung in a haphazard row,
While Mama assembled new toys just below.

The kids were asleep, well, except for the last,
Just waiting for morning to get downstairs fast.
I toiled on alone, ‘cause there wasn’t a dad.
I had broken a nail and my language was bad.

Then out on the lawn rose a terrible noise,
A talent that only my oldest employs.
I flew to the window, and thought as I ran,
‘What can he be up to, my nine-year-old man?’

It was bright (as can only the moon on snow be),
And I narrowed my eyes to be able to see.
And what did I glimpse, coming over the way?
But some deer, all in harness, and a stout little sleigh.

With someone in a coat that looked comfy and soft,
And clearly some magic to keep them aloft.
They flew like a Michael Schumacher on course,
While the driver attempted some will to enforce.

"Now Sprinter! Now, Jazz! Now, Frolic and Jolly!
On, Cherub! On, Angel! On, Kitten and Wally!
I need you to get to the rooftop this time!
And a fine, gentle landing would be so sublime!"

To say that they flew like some leaves past the attic,
Would be perfectly true, it was quite that erratic.
I was holding my breath as they shot toward the sky,
And prayed that my windows and roof would survive.

Then finally, thankfully, up on the top
I heard stomping and - oh, dear - at least one small ‘plop’!
Then some noise in the chimney I’d not heard before,
And then someone emerged, on their knees, on the floor.

The figure was dressed in a warm, sooty coat,
With some Uggs on their feet and scarf round their throat.
With toys, books and clothes in a gi-normous sack,
Which they dropped to the floor with the words, “Oh, my back!”.

And then sparkling eyes were directed at me!
From under a hat that was worn with esprit.
I surprisingly saw, not a man, but a miss,
With no  beard (though a tweezer would not go amiss).

In white teeth, she had clutched a short pencil end,
And a notebook, she held in one mittened hand.
Her round, wrinkled face shone with laughter and fun,
And I don’t think her happy laugh could be outdone!

She was joyful and glad, and just a bit plump,
Her smile made me smile, and her laugh made me jump!
She gave me a grin and then winked an eye,
All my fears passed away and I waved them goodbye.

She didn’t say much, simply nodded my way,
And I watched as she worked – like a pudgy ballet.
She finished her job, made a note in her book,
Then nodded and smiled and her exit she took!

I heard her footsteps as she ran to her sleigh,
Heard her call to her team as they all flew away.
Then my new Goddess shouted, as she flew o’er the town,
"Happy Christmas to all, don’t let life get you down!"

Delores of Under the Porch Light has done it again. 
This week's challenge: Sparkling, pudgy, goddess, surprising, wrinkledtalent
What else could it be but another poem?!
Thank you, dear friend! This is so much fun!


  1. Omg, this is AWESOME! You are so talented. And hilarious to boot!!

  2. This is the BEST....every Mom should have a copy of this.

  3. That was awesome! I didn't kick in to the fact you were using Delores' words until the very end!

  4. Yes, this poem was very fun. It caught me off guard when it was a
    Mrs. Santa. I always enjoy your poetry. What a gift you have.
    Smiles today - Blessings to you!

  5. So good! I love it! Why couldn't Santa be a woman?

    There are many great lines, but I have to say my very favourite one involves the "plop" :) Too funny!

    1. That was one of my favourites, too. You never hear about that. Totally a rancher's view of things . . .

  6. YES YES YES!!! This is perfect! Oh man, I should have contacted you to help me do my Christmas spoof songs over at ITPR. You are far better at this than me, my friend! Great job!

    1. Kind words, indeed, Marcia! Thank you!
      P.S. Call any time!

  7. Brilliant! This is your best yet! I loved how it made me feel like I was right there watching the entire escapade!


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