Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pajama Game 2013

We have a tradition in our home.

Well, several, actually.
But I'm only going to talk about this one . . .
Pajamas. On Christmas eve.
And spaghetti, but that is another story.
So . . . pajamas.
Every year, Mom hunts up the most distinctive pattern she can find and everyone is forced excited to wear it.
So, in honour of this very special time, here are a few examples from the past.
 Christmas, 2002.  And no, that isn't a cow print couch . . .
Christmas 2003. And yes, we do look like escaped prisoners.

2007.  Little jump, here.

2008 and our numbers are increasing.
You can't see the striped socks, but they're there!
2009. Things are changing radically . . .
2010. What a mob!
2011. Well, a small, but important sample.
2012. The year of the polka dot.

And that brings you up to date.
Here is a tiny sample of this year's PJs.
They'll be worth the wait . . .
Pajama factory
AND they glow in the dark!
More pictures to follow . . .
How are your Christmas preparations coming?
I hope they are colourful and bright!


  1. You amaze me as the years go by Diane! Glad to see the girls helping you out!

    1. Getting together to make the jammies is at least half of the fun! :)

  2. Glow in the dark pj's....I LOVE it.

    1. Can't wait to see all of them in the same picture! Maybe we'll try a shot with the lights off . . .



    I love this idea; I just wish I had thought of this way back when. I guess it's never too late! (except for this year, that's definitely too late)

    Are you quite short, Diane? Or is everyone else in your family just really, really tall?!

    Hope husby is improving. Some days are all uphill.

    1. I was hoping you'd like that label! I do it for you!!!
      I'm not short. Everyone else is just gi-normous!
      Husby woke up pain-free today! Don't know how long it will last, but we'll take it! :)

    2. Pain-free - now that is good to hear!

  4. Diane- I want to hang out with your family, you just all seem like such fun! :-) My kids request homemade jammies from my mom every year, it's something they really look forward to! :-)

    1. A-ha! Another Gramma with Jammie-habits! Keep the tradition going!
      P.S. You're welcome to join us any time! :)

  5. This is one amazingly creative idea! I wish I had thought of it 38 years ago when our youngest was a baby!

    I have grandkids now. It is not too late!!

  6. I think it's a wonderful tradition. We don't really do tradition, unless you count me always making the mince pies. I like the latest pile of fabric, can't wait to see the finished pyjamas.

    1. Mmm. Anything with pie is definitely a tradition worth carrying on!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. OMG Diane I LOVE THIS!!!!! What a clever idea! You absolutely HAVE to share this year's picture with all those crazy pants!

  9. Diane this a great idea, I adore it... I am going to implement this idea in my family :)


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