Saturday, December 28, 2013

Watch That Finger!

Mr. Booger Finger. And Baby Brother.
Photo: Kallie-Jo Tolley Photography
In our house, over the holidays, love and good will abound.
And so does the food.
And the treats.
Especially the chocolate.
With, sometimes, amusing results . . .
A group of us adults were sitting around the table, intent on a game of cards.
Members of the younger set were dashing in and out, intent on activities.
And snagging treats.
We had just opened a new box of exotic chocolates.
A gift from our dear next-door neighbours.
Five different kinds of luscious, melt-able deliciousness, each in a different (intriguing) shape.
Chocolate mousse.
Crème Broulee.
And pistachio.
Each more mouth-watering than the last.
Our five-year-old discovered the box and immediately seized it.
“What’s this?!” he said, holding it up.
“Chocolates!” I said. “Really yummy ones!”
“Oooh! What’s this one?!” He jabbed a finger into the chocolate mousse.
“That’s dark chocolate.”
“And this?” Another jab.
“Hey!” his dad said, taking the box. “Don’t touch all of the chocolates with your booger-covered finger!”
Da-ad!” he said, disgusted. “That’s not my booger finger!” He held up his other hand, pointer finger erect. “That one is!”
At least he was honest . . .


  1. Smart little guy....he knew which finger to use...

  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this story! Hilarious. It seriously made me laugh out loud!

  3. Mmm, chocolates! I haven't had a box of chocolates in years. No one gives them to me at Christmas anymore. I may have to buy my own. And keep them away from curious kids. Did he get a chocolate?

  4. I am so smiling on this one............


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