Thursday, January 9, 2014

Adventure . . . umm . . . Calling?

Sometime, I’d like to take a trip,
To parts mysterious and deep,
‘Cross vast and strange new lands, I’d skip,
While tooling in my trusty jeep.

Taking everything in stride,
No mayhem, monsters, storms or signs
Would startle me or turn the tide,
From exploration I’d designed.

I’d walk on lands both near and far,
And check out strains indigenous,
No fears or qualms of things bizarre.
No misgivings to discuss.

I’d leave my plastic world behind,
And print my own exciting map,
Feeling free and unconfined,
Adventures falling in my lap.

I’d learn the jargon: trudge, poop deck,
Adventure, survey, navigate,
Tramp, spelunk and cruise and trek,
Ramble, hike, triangulate.

I’d do all this, and without fear,
Though something dims my zeal somewhat,
To see those worlds both far and near,
I’d have to get up off my butt.

P.S. This poem is courtesy of Delores' Wednesday Word challenge.
Oh, Delores! My Delores! What fun you give to everyone!
This week's words: 


  1. You turned my weird words into a piece of art.....another great job Diane.

  2. Ha ha ha! Fantastic twist at the end!

    And how many people could find a rhyme for indigenous?? Well done :)

  3. Oh, you had me ready to get off my own butt, until the last line! Well done.

  4. This was a fun one. I wasn't prepared for the ending; it was cute.
    Blessings for these creative piece that you shared.

  5. What fun with words! You rock, Diane! :-)

  6. I love this. I can just imagine you lacing up your boots, rolling up the map and setting off to explore new lands.

  7. I love what you did with the words...


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