Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Deja Vu

January 31, 1988.
Five months pregnant with my sixth baby.
And playing center for my women’s basketball team in a winter tournament.
We had won both of our games, positioning ourselves for the semi-final the next day.
My slightly pudgy self had even managed a break-away and lay-up.
Only one, but hey . . .!
And in a euphoric haze, Husby and I were heading over to an activity at the church.
Where we’d be playing volleyball.
My team scored a point.
I leaped into the air, kicking one leg and punching both hands upward in triumph.
Then I looked down.
Huh. Somehow, unbeknownst to me, both of my legs had kicked out.
I fell heavily on my right hand.
Back on my feet, I continued to play.
Went up for a spike.
And realized that something was definitely wrong.
Hands aren’t supposed to hurt like that.
Long story short, A quick trip to emergency confirmed my suspicions.
Badly-broken wrist.
Not only had I broken the bottom right off the bone, but my continued playing had then crushed the broken-off piece.
Double ouch.
I won’t describe the process to get everything back where it should be, or the needle from hell.
Suffice it to say, because of an excellent doctor, I was soon on the mend.
Six weeks in a cast.
Moving forward to yesterday . . .
My daughter and I had decided to go snowboarding. I’m always up for something new.
She had just started and loved it!
The conditions weren’t ideal.
It had been warm and snowless for a number of weeks and the only powder was what had been ground up by the resort’s grooming machines.
But we had fun.
I stayed prudently on the bunny hill with several dozen little kids.
Had, after three tries, mastered the rope tow.
I was king of the mountain!
Up the tow.
Down the slope in an ever-increasing need for speed.
Okay, you have to know that the speed I was needing was just slightly faster than a walk.
Yeah. Daring, I’m not.
We decided on one last run.
And that’s when it happened.
A spectacular crash.
And an all-too-familiar ‘weak’ feeling in my right wrist.
It’s been 26 years, less four days.
I’m back in the cast again . . .


  1. You are a brave and adventurous woman...every so often something has to give. This time, it was your wrist. Sending healing thoughts your way in hopes you will be back on your snow board again very soon.

    1. Thank you, Delores! It was definitely fun while it lasted!

  2. Not just "ouch" but double "ouch". Hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. Oh, dear, Diane ... I hope there was no "needle from hell" this time, at least ... best wishes for quick healing!

    By the way, I admire you no end for getting on that snowboard!!

    1. Nope. No needle from hell! Just hard hospital chairs on a tender backside! (did I mention that it, too got in on the grand tumble?) :)

    2. "Anonymous" just HAS to wait on you hand and foot, and ... er ... bottom. Break out the cushions!

    3. Heehee! I'm telling him! He'll be . . . umm . . . delighted!

  4. Being back in the cast...is it kinda like "Back in the Saddle Again"?
    Sometime in our lives, our bones say, "Oh, yeah?"

  5. Heehee! That's exactly the song that was going through my mind. I even tried to think of a two-syllable word that meant 'cast'!

  6. I still can't believe this happened to you!!!

  7. Aw, that sucks! Hope it gets better soon!

  8. Oh my goodness, Diane, that is awful, I hope you mend quickly :-/

  9. Oh my gosh that is not good at all. I must say you are a brave one. Maybe i should say you are very daring. I do hope your wrist heals quickly. I broke my ankle and then 6 weeks after getting that cast off; I broke my elbow. I learned a lot about being handicapped.
    Blessings, prayers and hugs for you!

    1. Ankle!!! and then elbow!!! Oh. My. Goodness!!! You've had the two worst breaks of all! Yeowch! Glad you survived. It gives me hope! :)

  10. Oh no!!!! I sucked in my breath and felt sick the moment I realized what you were going to say. {Does my empathy help you any??} So sorry to hear! Get better soon! P.S. I the heck do you type with one hand? You are amazing.

    1. Oh, Lynn, I know you've been through much, much worse!!! You're empathy DOES help! You should see me type. It's . . . umm . . . entertaining!

  11. *how* The word should be HOW. You would think I was the one typing one handed. Ugh. Sorry.

  12. Oh no! I hope you didn't recreate the exact same bad break and I most certainly hope it heals fast.
    I can't imagine the pain, I've never had a broken bone.

    1. The old break was visible on the X-ray. Still well-healed. No, this break is fairly minor. Just a crack, really. Should heal quickly! It really doesn't hurt, unless you try to twist your wrist. I honestly think sprains hurt more! :)


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