Sunday, January 19, 2014

Going in the Woods

Ahhh! Romance!
Our good friends had been dating . . . umm . . . each other . . . for some time.
For a young man deeply in love, a despairingly long time.
He had decided that the moment had come.
In a surge of love and commitment, he had purchased . . . the ring.
Then, being a man of imagination and daring, he plotted . . . the proposal.
He would take his love to their favourite place and pop the question there.
Where was their favourite place?
The woods.
All had gone according to plan.
They had rambled along the woodsy paths.
Had a picnic.
The time had come to hide the ring, then lead his love to the magical spot.
And propose.
He excused himself, citing ‘having to take care of some business’.
Now I don’t know about you, but if I was walking with someone in the woods, and he excused himself saying . . . that . . . I know what I would think.
His soon-to-be-if-all-went-well fiancée thought the same thing.
He disappeared.
She sat on a log among the pink, white and indigo flowers and waited.
And waited.
Finally, a large grin of satisfaction on his face, her date returned.
She stood up.
“So!” he said heartily, thinking of the ring he had just so cleverly hidden. “Do you want to see where I went?”
Now, in his mind, all was sweet, romantic and full of promise and anticipation as he led his love to that beautiful, magical little clearing.
In hers . . .
“Umm . . . no,” she said, giving him a strange look.
It took a moment to register.
His well-planned, uber-romantic idea had just fallen flat.
‘Business in the woods’ flat.
And looking in from the outside, I would have to side with her.
Oh, they did get engaged.
And married.
Enjoyed parenthood and are now enjoying grandparenthood.
He just learned, when planning surprises, he had to be more careful of how things look.
And how he worded them.

Once again, Delores of Under the Porch Light has supplied the words!
Once more, we scramble to obey!


  1. You know I was so lost in that story I failed to notice you were using the words....another fantastic job.

  2. Couples should have to endure at least a few awkward situations before marriage. It reveals a lot about the other person's sense of humour :) I'm glad this worked out!

    I'm with Delores - those words fit perfectly in your story.

    1. I SOOO agree! It's those awkward situations that reveal the true person! This one definitely revealed . . . something . . .

  3. I loved this fun story. I have one of my own that I may share sometimes. Always have a smile when i read your posts; thanks for the uplifting stories.
    Blessings to you!

  4. Another great story! You're so good at this.

  5. The best laid plans .... Still, perfect in its own way!


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