Saturday, January 25, 2014

Peeling Poo Prevention

It's magic!
Okay, this is as gritty as I get . . .
Last night, we were having dinner with our good friends.
Lots of talk. Tons of laughter.
And some eating fit in there somewhere.
You know the drill . . .
The talk turned from our kids (our favourite topic) to dogs.
Another favourite.
Our friend, I’ll call her Tammy, mentioned with a shudder, that their miniature schnauzer (hereinafter known as Ruby), sometimes would . . . umm . . . eat those droppings she should have left far behind.
Yes, this was during dinner – now you know why there was more talk and laughter than eating.
Moving on . . .
Tammy had read, recently, that this usually indicated a lack of potassium.
And that the best treatment was to feed her dog a bit of banana.
Did you know that dogs like banana?
Well they do.
Ruby snapped it up like manna from heaven.
And the . . . umm . . . unfortunate tendency . . . disappeared.
Tammy’s husby, . . . I’ll call him Gord, spoke up.
“You know,” he said. “I knew it would work!”
We all looked at him.
“Yeah. I’ve been eating bananas forever . . .”
We waited for the punch line . . .
“. . . and I’ve never once been tempted to eat my droppings!”
Banana. Tasty prevent-er of so many things . . .


  1. Me neither! And I love bananas! ;-)

  2. A banana a day keeps that nasty tendency away.

    1. I've just realized - I've never been tempted either. It does work!

  3. Bananas are such a great food - tasty, portable, require no implements, need no refrigeration ... this just puts them into the superstar food category :)

    This is actually good information that I am bound to share with others over dinner sometime!

    1. Perfect dinnertime conversation - if one wants to be on a diet! ;)

  4. That was funny AND disgusting!

    A new record!

  5. Bananas? Hmmmm, I wonder how I can bring up the subject with a friend of mine whose dog does that too...

  6. Add someone making fake fart noises, and it could a dinner conversation at our house - with teen boys.

    1. Heehee! Teen boys. And, I've discovered, with little boys too. And sometimes, little girls. Sigh.

  7. I heard a comedian talk about having the perfect dog: goes out, does his business, cleans it up. Why would you want to change the dog's habits unless you like said canine to lick your face...


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