Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Inside

Okay, I'm still in a poetry mind set . . . 
From this spell of cold and damp,
The germs in close formation, tramp,
On my resistance, blithely stamp,
And place my head inside a clamp.

These foes, I did incarcerate,
And I shiver as I, here, relate:
While hoping to ameliorate,
Oh, woe, I did deteriorate.

Companions, mucus and some phlegm,
From deep within my system, stem,
Their presence here, I do condemn,
I want no close rapport with them.

I reach for some meds and groan,
My horrid fate I do bemoan,
And for all my sins atone,
And pray that soon I’ll be alone.

Then I think a sharpened knife,
Will quickly end my woeful life,
And my existence, hereto rife
With pain and suffering and strife.

Then, all at once, my life is blessed,
The germs are gone, the rheum expressed,
And all discomfort’s been suppressed,
It’s peaceful, now, within my breast.

Cheerily, from my bed, I climb
And wash away the sweat and grime.
My life is good, my soul sublime,
At least until the *sigh* next time.

Oh, Delores, you taskmaster, you.
And I do mean 'master'.
This week's six-word challenge: Incarcerate, phlegm, damp, groan, knife, blessing
Drop by and see what her other cohorts have created!


  1. You're a poet, too?! Sorry you were sick, glad you're feeling better. I'm so intrigued with your life, you live such a different life than I do, but it's fascinating to learn about life in Southern Alberta. Just a suggestion - would you ever consider moving your "About me" up to the top of your blog? It took me a while to find it and I wanted to read about who you were, your life, etc. Just a thought!

  2. Oh, I feel your pain! I had it in Sept and my husband's had it twice since. UGH UGH UGH!

  3. The never-ending, coughing, hacking, nose blowing strikes indiscriminately.
    Great poem. Delores is very creative in her word choices.

  4. Oh sinus joy. I feel your pain...and glad you're better now!

    1. Thank you, Karen! Oh, to be normal again! Well, as normal . . . oh, never mind.

  5. A cold's the pits
    They give me fits
    But your poem
    made me smile.
    Another fantastic job Diane. Don't blame me for the words's that never ending voice in my head that gives them to me lol.

  6. What, no mention of coughing/hacking?!

    Can you tell I'm in the throes as we speak?

    Well done! And thanks for making me feel less alone :)

    1. You are never alone . . . And I mean that in a totally non-creepy, I'm-not-stalking-you way . . . :)

  7. Hahahaha this is cute……but I don't wanna get sick this year. So far I've avoided it…hope I didn't just jinx myself….

  8. This is a fun one. It certainly describes how one feels when sick.
    i would say it is poetry at it's best.

  9. "wash away the sweat and grime"
    isn't that just the best feeling?
    After you've been ill and achy for a day or three a shower is so heavenly!

    1. 'Achy for a day or three, a shower is just Heavenly'. River, you're a poet! :)


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