Friday, March 7, 2014

Well Fed and Organized

Mr. Organized
Dad was a veterinarian.
The only one for several counties.
Well . . . If you didn't count Dr. Brewster, the animal inspector at the Coutt's border crossing.
Let me start again . . .
Dad was a veterinarian.
As well as a purebred Polled Hereford breeder.
And always had an office somewhere in our home.
There were the inevitable examination counters.
And a fridge holding such things as penicillin.
Bottles of 5-way or 8-way or black-leg or rabies vaccines.
And other stuff that I couldn't pronounce.
I should mention, here, that Dad knew what each bottle did.
Probably important for a veterinarian to know.
He also had several large filing cabinets standing about the room.
Full of . . . files.
Dad knew exactly where everything could be found in his office.
He was very organized.
One day, he was working on the registration forms for his new crop of calves.
A time-consuming task that only he could do.
I sauntered in.
Yes. Just like in the old west.
Sauntering on . . .
Daddy looked up from his desk.
“Diane, could you look in that file cabinet over there,” he pointed with his pen, “and get me the 'G' file?”
I turned to the indicated file and pulled open the appropriate drawer. “This one?”
“Yes. Just the 'G' file, please.”
I started to work my way through the alphabet.
There was a large space partway through. I jumped to that.
'J' as it turned out.
“Daddy, did you know that you have a large bag of ju-jubes in your filing cabinet?”
“Filed under 'J'?”
He looked at me. “Where else would they go?”
Where indeed.
I continued my search.
Huh. Chips under 'C'.
Also chocolate.
I finally found the 'G' file and, pulling it out, handed it to my father.
But then I turned back to the cabinet.
Way too interested to stop now.
“Dad, you have Oreo cookies under 'O'.”
Dad looked up. “Is that where they are?!” he said. “I kept looking for them under 'C'.”
Yep. Filing cabinets and organization.
They go together.
Like treats and snack time.
Who knew they could be so similar?


  1. How sweet these memories of your dad are! He kept cookies and candy in his filing cabinets!? Very funny. Love reading about your life, it's quite different from mine on the East Coast and I enjoy learning/reading about the differences as well as the similarities.

    1. I agree! The true joy of reading each other's blogs is being able to catch a glimpse of lives so different from our own! Such a treat! :)

  2. I think I need to make some additions to my filing cabinet. All I've got in there is boring files.

  3. That is so funny and very endearing ... everyone should have treats in their filing cabinet, a little reward for doing the paperwork :)

  4. Snacks in the file cabinet! What a great idea! I'm off to buy a file cabinet....

  5. Hahahaha!!! If I had a "C" folder for chocolate, it would ALWAYS be well stocked. This was cute, Diane!

    1. Mmmm . . . chocolate . . . I think it should have its own filing cabinet!

    2. But it does. It's called a refrigerator.

  6. What a great memory! My filing cabinet is not that tasty. Maybe I need to do some reorganization. Thanks for sharing


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