Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mom Logic

Dad, Jerry and Chris
About 3 BD (Before Diane)
But 5 minutes AC (After Coats)
Our kids and grandkids were over for the weekend.
Fortunately for us, spring has finally arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, and they were able to spend much of the day outside.
One grandson, anxious to rejoin his cousins on the pirate ship in the backyard (yes, we have a pirate ship in the backyard) was frantically looking for his coat.
Which he had discarded when he had come inside.
Moments before.
“Can’t find it!” he lamented loudly.
“Well, Sweetie,” I said. “I don’t know . . .” That was as far as I got.
Because, suddenly, I was remembering my Mom.
And something she said to us every time we were bewailing the loss of some article of clothing.
Which happened often.
Ahem . . .
There would the usual scurry to find said article of clothing.
And then the inevitable words, “I CAN’T FIND IT/THEM!!!”
Followed, if one were really good, by tears.
I was really good.
Just FYI.
Back to my story . . .
Mom would appear on the scene and immediately bring the problem into ‘Mom’ focus with the words: “Well, I don’t know where I put it/them when I wore it/them last!”
We would frown because adult-sized Mom would never, ever have fit into it/them.
And this was NOT helpful!
Then she would laugh.
Whereupon (good word!) we would sigh and slump and renew our search.
So, back to my grandson.
The three-year-old standing indignantly in the middle of the kitchen.
I smiled. “Well, Sweetie, I don’t know where I put it when I wore it last!”
He frowned at me.
I heard laughter from the periphery. And “I remember Mom saying that to me!”
Some things lose nothing in the years.


  1. And the search goes on.

    1. Finally unearthed in the corner on top of the water bottles...

  2. I love this story! I have two very young grandsons(my son) who live far away and a daughter taking medication trying to get pregnant (if her husband doesn't run away from the mood swings). I can't wait for days like this! Can I play on the pirate ship when I come haha!

  3. I love this story! I have two very young grandsons(my son) who live far away and a daughter taking medication trying to get pregnant (if her husband doesn't run away from the mood swings). I can't wait for days like this! Can I play on the pirate ship when I come haha!

  4. Oh my mom used to say the same thing. I detested when she said that but it did remind me to take care of things. Thanks for sharing a great story!

    1. We hated it! Now I wish she were here to say it again! We're never satisfied . . .

  5. My mum had a different answer. No coat/whatever, no outside. Things got found pretty quickly!

  6. That is a genius answer! I can just see the little frown on the little face, hee hee!

  7. I love your posts. And it makes me homesick at the same time. I can just picture him.


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