Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Snapshot in Time

I loved skiing in my youth,
Went a lot, to tell the truth.
In solitude, or in a group,
I lived to sail and slide and swoop.

At times, a friend, I’d bring with me,
They’d follow as I taught, you see.
But I’ll admit right here and now,
I was somewhat past the old ‘snowplow’.

I’d haul their bodies to the top,
Then jump out when the chairlift stopped.
With brightened eyes and pink-nd cheeks,
Start a chase across the peaks.

One young man slid off the chair,
Then passed as I was standing there.
His rawness caused him no concern,
Just like me - till he missed the turn.

Complete abandon in his moves,
His ‘teacher’ wholly did approve,
Till I heard him shout, “How do you stop?!”
As he went off the six-foot drop.

Then, like a cartoon, one, two, three,
Two poles flew up, and just one ski.
Was I concerned? I’ll tell you so!
As I fell, laughing, in the snow.

This grizzled veteran of the hills,
Fin’ly crawled to view the spill,
And saw my good friend lying prone,
One skied. But well enough to groan.

I fished him out and we skied still.
Became the masters of that hill,
Then, round the fire at ‘après ski’,
Recounted the day’s deeds with me.

It’s forty years now, since that day,
But memories won’t fade away,
There’s still a yearning for those times,
Of air so clear and slopes sublime.

Too delicate as old age creeps,
Prefer my blanket, book. And sleep.
But I’ll not forget that day so prime,
A marvellous snapshot in time.

Each Wednesday, my good friend, Delores of Under the Porch Light produces a six word challenge.
It's been a few weeks since I was able to participate.
I'm so happy to be included this week!
Hop on over to see what her other victims participants came up with!
This week's words? grizzledpeakssolitudefiredelicateyearninga snapshot in time
How did I do?


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how you use those words, and do it IN RHYME!

  2. Glad to see you back with a wordy Wednesday...missed you. Great job AND you used both prompts in one. Fantastic.

    1. I've missed this! So glad to be in cahoots again! :)

  3. Um, great...because your writing is superb! Glad you didn't teach me to ski :)!

  4. Wonderful. That is one thing I'd be to afraid to try. Sounds amazing the way you describe it.

    1. It was actually fairly harmless - when you didn't have a cowboy leading the way!

  5. This is your best yet! I love it. Almost makes me want to learn to ski.


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