Friday, June 27, 2014

June Funny Friday

June Funny Friday

Today’s post is June’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write 5 captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they’ve come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Here’s today’s picture.
It’s the picture that inspired this whole project and was submitted by The Black Sheep Mom.

1. This is my number. CALL ME!
        Signed: Made For Each Other!
 2. Okay. This is New York. We’ll just blend in.
 3. Turn here to get to the boat. It’ll take you right out to your pedestal. Stay there!
 4. You know, I thought you’d be bigger…
Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:


  1. Love them all but the last one is the best!

  2. We're MFEO! Awwwww. Love that movie.

    You know, I thought he'd be bigger, too...

  3. Way fun and I am smiling..........
    Blessings for the smiles and links~

  4. Haha! Well done! I'm partial to the first one :)


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