Monday, June 16, 2014

Virtual Blog Tour

I'll warn you, I'm battling a nasty flu bug. What follows may not make sense.
But that's never stopped me before . . .
Karen and Wendy of After the Kids Leave have nominated me as one of their favourite blogs!
And have asked me to participate in a blog tour of . . . blogs.
This includes telling you a bit about myself and my writing and then directing you toward some blogs that I really, really enjoy.
This can only be fun . . .

1. What are you working on?
Besides my daily blog of memories and reminiscences, which I ADORE, I'm just putting the finishing edits on the third novel I've written since January. My first murder mystery. So far, one of my beta readers (actually, the only one who has reported back) loved it. To me, that translates as 100% approval. Right?

2. How does your work differ from others in its genre?
There aren't many in the blogosphere who grew up on a ranch. In the fifties. And lived to tell the tale. Enough said.

3. Why do you write/create what you do?
I loved my life growing up. And I have to tell these stories and get them out of my head. Or said head will explode. And that's just icky. From any angle.

4. How does your writing/creating process work?
I will hear something that triggers a memory. A story. A phrase. A song. A smell. And I have to write. I have to! Think of it as everything boiling up at once and spilling out onto the paper. Like the cream soup I was making for dinner last night. (Ooh . . . and now I have a topic for my next blog . . .) Happily, words in print are a little easier to clean up. 

And now some of my favourite bloggers - and you have to know that it was tough limiting this list:

Pearl has the most refreshing look on life I have ever seen. Did you know that daily commutes/cubicle jobs can be hilarious. And fascinating? That cats have this whole secret life we humans can only guess at? (But as long as the car is returned with a full tank of gas, and the police and/or official visits are kept to a minimum, we don't ask too many questions about.) That pants . . . Never mind. I'll leave you to find your way there. You'll love the visit!

Rena McDaniel of Diary of an Alzheimer's Caregiver
For so many reasons, I love Rena! Her insight, patience, generosity and just simple good humour are inspiring as she deals with health issues of her own as well as caring for her mother through the difficult mine field that is Alzheimers. Let Rena inspire your day like she does mine!

Carol Cassara of Carol Cassara
Carol is the person I want to be. Intelligent, insightful, and just downright interesting. From book reviews to her explorations of life and life hereafter,  her journeys are always well-written and deeply thought-provoking. When I grow up, I want to be her!

Karen at Karen Baking in a Tornado
Who doesn't love a good story? And when it's accompanied by fantastic food . . . How do you spell PARADISE?! To quote Karen, herself, she is a self-proclaimed semi-sane Mom; a baking, blogging, beach, ballet, Boston and booze fan, who bakes to relieve stress, takes pictures as proof, and blogs to vent. Hop over to Karen's place and share her glimpses of teens/college-ites and LIFE. 

Visit them all. You'll be glad you did!


  1. I am so honored to be mentioned, not only by a REAL writer, but to be mentioned in such great company. I just may have to bake you something!

  2. Will visit the blogs you mention. My new favorite is your blog!

  3. Congratulations on your nomination Diane and I hope you feel better soon! I am happy to say I have already been enjoying all of the blogs mentioned in your post - and I agree that your blog is very deserving of the nomination! I think one of the best things about being a blogger is reading other peoples blogs!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan! I agree. Reading all of these blogs is my way of seeing the world! So. Much. Fun! And I am definitely on the mend today.

  4. Congratulations Diane! I love this blog tour, because I really enjoy reading how writers tick. Sorry you're not feeling well - hope you're better soon!

    1. Thanks so much, Lana! It's so fun meeting new bloggers, isn't it?!

  5. I can understand that nomination, because yours is one of MY favourite blogs, too! I hope you feel better soon, Diane.

    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! My day isn't compete without your input! :) I'm on the mend today!

  6. For sure you have to become a best seller before your head explodes!

  7. Get well soon and congrats.

  8. I enjoy Baking In A Tornado too. Will enjoy reading your work also.

  9. Congratulations Diane. I enjoy your blog and the stories of your family. You are one of my favorite blogs. I like you read Carol and Rena but will certainly check out the other 2 blogs
    Hope you feel better soon

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! You've made my day! And thank you, I'm feeling much better today!

  10. Thank you so much Diane. You are my writing idol plus I'm still waiting for adoption papers! You make what must have been a hardworking, tough life seem like everybody's dream vacation. That is pure talent! Plus we found out my daughter is having twins today Life couldn't get any better!

    1. The papers are definitely in the mail! Twins!!! That is the best news of all!!!

    2. I know! I have looked at the ultrasound pictures a thousand times in the last 2 days! What a blessing, I was so afraid to get my hopes up for her. Now I think I'm driving her crazy telling her to be careful!

  11. I just adore Karen, she is one of my favorite writers and bakers as well!

  12. Congratulations, Diane!
    See you on funny Friday :-)


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