Monday, July 28, 2014

Talk Turkey

I am bilingual.

Oh, not in the way you imagine.
My second language really isn't that practical.
Truth be told, I don't even know what I'm saying.
But the fact remains that I can speak another language.
Maybe I should explain . . .
My kids and I loved spending time at Fort Edmonton Park.
It's a stroll through Edmonton's history.
There's a bona fide re-creation of an 1846 fort.
And a small town.
Comprised of 'dated' streets.
1885 Street, devoted to life in Edmonton when dust and mud were king and electricity was something only Jules Verne imagined.
1905 Street, when modern dreams were beginning.
And 1920 Street, where modern conveniences and votes for women have become reality.
There are shops and residences with actors portraying very real Edmontonians of the past.
It was (and is) fun.
And we loved it.
We spent nearly every Thursday there throughout the summer.
Walking on stilts.
Playing games.
Eating baking fresh from the ovens.
Visiting the shops.
Inter'acting' with the actors.
It was a great way to spend a day.
Then we found the flock of turkeys behind one of the residences.
And that's when I discovered that I could speak a second language.
Turkeys make a distinct 'mmmmbladladladladladladladladl' sound.
And I could mimic it.
You want to talk talent?
We stood at the side of their large pen and I 'talked' to them.
The male got quite animated.
He ruffled his feathers and puffed up his facial dangly bits and marched around importantly.
It was very entertaining.
The kids would urge me on. “Come on Mom! Say something else!”
And I'd do my mmmmbladladladladladladladladl.
And the turkey would get apoplectic.
We even drew a crowd.
“Look! That woman can talk to the turkeys.”
Okay. Sometimes, you have to look for your entertainment.
And you have to admit that not everyone can talk turkey.
P.S. Guinea Pigs and I also have a history.


  1. Hee hee!! I am smiling big here!

    My dad talks to crows :)

    And I do hope we will hear about the guinea pigs!

    1. I will have to 'fess up about the time I talked down the suicidal guinea pig, will I?

    2. Oh, yes, please - even more so with that teaser!

  2. I'm laughing but the truth is that these are the moments that our kids remember. All the well planned parties and whatever else we kill ourselves to do for them and laughing at mom talking to turkeys are the type of memory that becomes a favorite.
    PS: I think this post should have been a vlog. I feel like I'm missing out not getting to actually see you do it.

    1. So true. They forget about whose party it was, but they sure remember when Mom tripped and planted her head in the middle of the cake. Umm . . . theoretically speaking . . .

  3. Karen said....I want to see (hear) a video of you talking turkey.

    1. Here is where I admit that I have no idea how to do that . . . Eeep!

  4. I talk to turkeys every day too - just not the feathered kind :)

  5. You should apply to Butter-Ball Turkeys and see if your skills can be applied?
    Fun post.

  6. OMG! Another LOL one. I can just imagine it all; even the Guinea Pig talk.
    Blessings for the smiling............

    1. Thank you, LeAnn! Yeah. I'm pretty much in demand for my turkey/guinea pig communication abilities! :)

  7. Okay thus was a really long time ago , my daughter was in a stroller. My husband would do sonething and this particular ape would copy it. This went on for awhile. Finally at the end, I don't know why, my husband flipped the ape the bird....the ape flipped it right back!!!!True story!

    1. Brings a whole new meaning to 'Monkey see, monkey do'! :)

  8. I add another vote to the request for a vlog of this interesting talent! I can't help but wonder what that big Tom Turkey thought that you were saying to him!

    1. He got extremely animated. We weren't sure if it was excitement. Or anger. Tough to tell . . . with turkeys. Umm . . . how do you vlog?

    2. Isn't that basically what you did with your video of your dad playing the keyboard? You can do it, Diane! First, find a turkey ...


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