Sunday, August 10, 2014

Terms of EnDEARment

He is a Honey Bunny!
I admit it.
I call my Husby names.
Maybe I should explain . . .
Husby was serving on a church committee with several other men.
One of which worked as a police detective in his real life.
Tough guy to the world.
Sweet and kind underneath.
It was evening. After supper but not yet bed time.
The phone rang.
I answered.
What followed was, to me, a fairly mundane conversation.
“Hi, Diane. Is Grant there?” I recognized the voice of our friend, the police detective.
“He is! Would you like to talk to him?”
“Just a moment!” I turned and hollered - okay, yes, I do that - “Honey Bunny!”
Grant answered from somewhere in the bowels of the house.
“You're wanted on the phone!”
He appeared and took it from me. “Hello?”
There was a pause. Then, “Are you a Honey Bunny?”
I saw my Husby's face turn slightly pink.
Here was his good friend, the policeman.
Tough guy extraordinaire.
What should he say?
He looked at me, rolled his eyes and grinned. “Yes,” he admitted finally.
His friend laughed. “Good,” he said. “So am I.”
Even the most unlikely . . .


  1. Birds of a feather lol.

  2. Haha! I call my family members by all sorts of nicknames, too; I hardly remember their given names at this point. When we visited family recently, my niece said, with wonder, "You have, like, a million names for everyone."

    1. I love it! I can never remember anyone's names! I call everyone else Sweetheart! True story...

  3. I refer to my wife and granddaughters as 'Sweetie.' That worked out great for the longest time. Then I had a grandson. Now I'm stuck for what to refer to him by. I don't want him preferring pink and signing up for ballet so it's got to be a 'GUY' term.

    1. Some very good suggestions here, George. You could always call him what you called me. Bert.

  4. Haha! I call my hubby "Poochie Bear" but usually "Pooch" for short...I always say it, it's become a habit. Grocery store, neighbors. I forget and he gets so embarrassed.

  5. Oh LOL's on this one. Thanks for the smile...........This was way cute.

  6. I am feeling very straitlaced; we use our actual names for each other!!!

    1. Yikes! How did you get into this group! (Kidding. I'd be lost without you!)

  7. I need to start calling my husband Honey Bunny!

  8. Love this story! My hubby and I call each other "pook" - and I can't even remember how it started. When he uses my real name it sounds almost funny to me.

    1. Pook?! I love it! Now that's cute! I know what you mean. When Husby calls me 'Diane' I wonder what's wrong...

  9. Two of them!
    I used to call my first grand daughter honey bunny, now I just use her name.

    1. My problem is that when I'm surrounded by a group of grandchildren, I can't remember their names! Sigh.

  10. Laughing! We add pooh to names.


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