Tuesday, September 30, 2014


When the daughter of my Dad's friend brought her future husband to meet her family, this is what her Dad told her/them.

True story.
The brave young man married the girl anyway. 
I just thought it would sound fun as a poem . . .


Her family had all been awaiting this call.
When they finally could meet her intended.
Unsure if a wedding ball'd ever befall
Or if spinster-hood ever portended.

But a young man, she'd met who was perfect, she'd bet,
In whose honour and love she felt sure.
So homeward, she'd set, their opinion to get,
And to tell her her choice would endure.

Her father shook hands with her sturdy young man
And questioned him closely a while.
They talked of his clan, and he asked him his plans,
Then he turned to his girl, with a smile.

“From all that I hear, you have nothing to fear.
But if his standards aren't mine and your mother's
Don't worry, my dear,” he said to her, clear.
“He'll be buried out back with the others!”


  1. So funny. I think anyone with daughters should print that and tape it to their fridge!

  2. LOL...great poem, Diane! and great story.

  3. Well, we know where her father stands! HA HA! Great poem

  4. Stories like this make my hubby wish he had a daughter!

    1. Oh, the joy these men get from terrorizing prospective boyfriends/husbands! He is definitely missing out! :)

  5. That a great one Diane! Growing up with 4 brothers I can surely relate!

    1. Not just your dad in that scenario! :)

    2. No dad was gone by then he died suddenly when I was 15. So my brothers filled in.

  6. Not sure I should plant the idea of these words in my husbands mind ... ! Great poem!

  7. Buried out back?? I bet that made him quake in his boots a bit.


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