Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Would you argue with that face?
What is it about some people?
They can walk into a room and you know, instantly, that they are a force to be reaconed with.
Growing up, my Dad was like that.
He had a terrific sense of humour.
But if he ever cleared his throat and gave you that blue-eyed stare.
You ran for cover.
And it wasn't even as though there was a threat of violence.
Although his knuckle, properly applied to the top of one's head, could roll your eyes around a bit.
He just had 'it'.
Dad was the family disciplinarian.
Oh, Mom tried.
She did a lot of talking.
Actually got quite animated.
But it was Dad who was instantly obeyed.
And it carried forward into the next generation.
Allow me to illustrate . . .
My Husby and I had gone out for the evening.
Our (then) three boys were being cared for by my parents.
It had been a fun time for them.
Games with Gramma and Grampa.
And then, bedtime.
Gramma bathed them.
Dressed them in clean pyjamas.
And tucked them into bed.
The youngest in a crib.
The two oldest in the double bed in the spare room.
All were told, firmly, to go to sleep.
Only the baby obeyed.
The older two laughed and giggled.
Bounced and played.
Several times, Gramma marched in.
Demanding quiet and slumber.
She was given neither.
Finally, she brought in the big guns.
She sent Grampa.
My Dad opened the bedroom door.
Two little boys turned to look at him.
“That's enough!” he said. “Sleep!”
Then he closed the door.
Silence descended.
A while later, Mom went to check on the boys.
Both were sound asleep.
But how they were asleep . . !
She gently closed the door and returned to the front room.
“Mark, what were the boys doing when you went to the bedroom door?”
Dad looked up and frowned thoughtfully. “I don't know,” he said.
Mom said, “Come with me.”
The two of them went back to the bedroom.
Mom opened the door once more and motioned for Dad to look.
Mark, Jr. was sitting up, leaning against the headboard.
Erik was laying on his side, propped up on one elbow.
Both were sound asleep.
Dad looked at them. “Yeah,” he said. “Like that.”
They had passed out almost the instant Dad had ordered it.
Now that's authority.


  1. That's hilarious.. Probably just good timing on your Dads part...they were likely ready to drop off anyway.

  2. Oh, another smile on this one; thanks for sharing this fun story.

  3. How I wish I could command respect like that!

  4. He looks formidable! Of course they did! Oh, how I wish he'd order me to sleep and I could!

  5. THAT IS AWESOME. He would scare me to sleep as well. Was he in the military?

    1. Very briefly in the navy. Just long enough to get some cute pics of him in uniform! :) Nope, he didn't get IT there. Born with it, I guess . . .

  6. If only you could bottle that and sell it to insomniacs.

  7. The IT is even oozing from the photo!!! Man, he's good :)

  8. My dad was like that too! But being the only girl with 4 brothers my mother says I'm more like him than anynof the boy. I was always the disciplinarian in our house and dad was ghe buddy. There's been times I've wanted to ground him! Its funny if they arenwith their dad its all joking around. But if they need help, advice or just someone to talk to they both want me! It's worked this long. If it ain't broke why fix it. When my son was in bootcamp another recruit said the Sargeant scared him to death. My son replied he ain't nothing you should have lived with my mom for 18 years.

  9. I would have liked to have had your dad around when I was trying to get my son, a real night owl, to go to bed when he was small!


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