Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just Yesterday

We vacation in Banff, Alberta.
To our family, the most beautiful little corner of the world.
Smelling the sun-baked pines as we hike.
Tasting the pure, clear water.
Renewing our up-close-and-personal relationship with the mountains and all things forest.
This was our 24th year at the Rocky Mountain Resort.
Our family was raised here.
Our kids learned to swim in that pool.
Lob tennis balls across the net in that court.
Work out in that gym.
Follow those trails.
Paddle down that river.
Wonderful, sunny, happy times anticipated throughout the year.
Enjoyed fully and completely, then given a fond farewell until the next time.
This year was a bit different.
Many of our kids were here.
With their kids.
Our little two-bedroom apartment has, of necessity, grown to three similar-sized units.
With a different family filling each one.
There was much scurrying down the porch or across the bridge to the other apartments.
Much giggling and laughter as the cousins played together.
Movie night took up one entire living room/dining room/kitchen.
Just to accommodate the excited little watchers.
And we filled the pool.
One of our granddaughters, aged five, was just learning to swim.
For the first time, she announced that she no longer wanted to wear a life vest.
I was standing at one side of the pool as she swam to me from her mother on the opposite side.
“Kick your legs!” I called to her.
She swam furiously, finally touching my hands and standing up.
Glowing with accomplishment.
And quite suddenly, I was remembering saying and doing the exact same thing with her mother and aunts and uncles.
In the exact same spot.
I'm sure it was just yesterday.


  1. That sounds like a lovely tradition, going to the same vacation spot every year. And I've been thinking about these things, too, although a little earlier in the memory movie. Our daughter is having her first baby soon and it reminds me of that time in our lives. Where did the time go?!

    1. When you're in it, it seems to be forever. Then suddenly forever is done! How did that happen?!

  2. "Just Yesterday" covers so many of my memories. Just yesterday, I held my newborn daughter. Just yesterday, I held her newborn daughter. That daughter is now 20 and living away from home with her boyfriend.
    I love your family traditions.

    1. A host of thoughts and experiences in those two little words . . .

  3. Such a lovely, evocative post, Diane--I can imagine every scene so vividly. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

    1. You are most welcome, Karen! I'm so glad you enjoy making the journey with me! :)

  4. Where do the days go? You are such a master story-teller though Diane, that your family moments will live on always. I've never stayed at the Rocky Mountain resort - but you make me wish I had!

    1. Thanks so much, Susan! It has been our family's most cherished spot on earth!

  5. We used to have a beautiful park in Indiana that we spent our summers. It's been a few years now but we have some wonderful pictures from that time!


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