Friday, September 19, 2014

The Best Hike

Mom and TYO. Below: Cascade Pond
If there’s a cute way to say something, kids will find it.
It’s up to the adults to remember . . .
Nearly every year, our family vacationed for a week in Banff, Alberta.
We loved it there.
We had a particular hotel we liked to frequent.
Our kids learned to swim in the pool.
Play kick-the-can in the nearby woods.
Use the workout room for . . . working out.
Climb a neighbouring mountain to breakfast at the top.
Wander through the nearby townsite.
Avoid the herds of elk.
Fail miserably at tennis.
Play wall-e-ball in the squash courts.
And sit by the fire in the evenings playing games.
For that one week, we existed in paradise . . .
It is still our favourite destination.
Unfortunately, our little two-bedroom apartment no longer accommodates all of us.
But we arrange for extra rooms and those who can, come.
Now our children are passing their wonderful memories on to the next generation.
Teaching their children in the pool.
Showing them the best places to hike.
And that is where this story is leading.
I do take a while, don’t I?
Moving on . . .
We were doing the ‘little kids’ hike around Cascade Pond.
The easiest one of all.
It is a lovely spot, with trails and bridges in a figure eight around and over a pretty pond.
An opportunity to see nature up close without a too-arduous hike to and from.
The smallest children were with us.
Feeling very important as they participated in their first hike in the wilderness.
Our (then) three-year old granddaughter had stopped with her mother to look at something.
Seeing that the rest of us had moved on without them, she ran to catch up.
It wasn’t far.
Unless you were three.
By the time she caught up to us, she was pressing one small hand to her side. Obviously, someone had developed a stitch.
“Are you all right?” I asked.
“Oh, my feelings!” she said breathlessly.
What can make a stroll through the beauties of nature just that much better?
A little touch of ‘cute’.
Going hiking?
Take a child.
Yep. Just add 'cute'.


  1. Aw....her 'feelings'....unbearably cute.

    1. It's become a family 'saying'. Used in so many ways . . .

  2. What a sweetie you have there!

    Do you think she'd mind if I borrowed that phrase? As I get older and creakier, there are so many times that it would be just right :)

    1. Hmm . . . she lets family use it. And you're family . . .

    2. Ohhh ... what a lovely gesture ... I seem to be springing a leak in my eye ... I will use it well, never fear!

  3. Adorable! How wonderful that your vacation paradise is now the next generation's favorite spot too. The Banff area is gorgeous!

  4. There's nothing that brings a smile to my face like the cuteness of a child.
    I really wish I had been blogging when my kids were little. So many of these stories have gone forgotten.

    1. I'm the same. Why, oh why didn't they have blogging when my kids were growing up? Now we're stuck with mom's/Gramma's memory. Faulty at best . . .

  5. Such a great story! We have hiked with our boys since they were tiny - and I hope we get to continue with our grandchildren someday. I've only been to Banff in the winter - I'd love to visit in another season.

    1. We love family hikes. They include a whole new (fun) dimension now . . .

  6. My folks always took us hiking when we were young. Adorable little girl!

    1. I'd like to say she takes after me. But I'd be lying . . . :)

  7. What a cutie! She created a whole new phrase in the English language with the expression that summed up so much!

    1. Amazing how those little toddler phrases take over a family's vocabulary!

  8. She's just adorable. Her look AND her expression, both. Just sweet.

  9. Spending a rainy day catching up on posts I have missed. This is beautiful and reminds me once again how excited I will be to meet my new grandchildren. I can't wait to have those experiences of taking them camping and hiking and well just about anything they want as I am sure grandpa and I will have them spoiled rotten!


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