Wednesday, October 15, 2014

At the Park

Our good friend, Shirley, is out of town.
Visiting with her son and his family.
She has been enjoying her time down south in the warmth and sun as her/our part of the world grows steadily cooler.
Yesterday was a warm, fall day. Perfect for an outing to the park with two of her granddaughters.
All went well.
The hike there.
Playing on the equipment.
The girls were especially enjoying the long slide.
Grandma was performing her grandmother duties.
It was then the girls proposed something a little more pro-active for their beloved grandparent.
Upping the ante. So to speak.
And with much coaxing, they succeeded.
 Soon, Shirley was perched atop the slide, ready to slide ride hurtle to the bottom.
She took a deep breath . . .
Just then, Youngest Granddaughter turned to her older sister and asked, “If Grandma dies, do you know the way home?”
Playing at the park.
Not for everyone.
Watch for flying grandmothers.


  1. Too Cute! This girl shows great maturity.

  2. Out of the mouths of Babes!
    I'm sure Grandma survived, long ago memory of how to land would kick in at the right time.

  3. "You never know what you're going to see!"

    Or hear! So funny!

  4. So funny! Forwarding this to my mother immediately :)!

    1. Let me know if she enjoys it. Tell her to get off the slide first . . .

  5. That is hilarious! I have been coaxed into things like that and it has not ended well. I feel like I have been missing you. I changed my schedule up because I am having problems getting my tablet, for some reason the Google + App isn't working I've been fighting it for months and am going to have to put it in the shop I think I screwed something up. Anyway, I started going to bed earlier and getting up at 4 am to start working. This is the first day and I have gotten so much accomplished already. Have you been in and out or am I missing things? It's hard to tell from my end. I usually get them through email but... I miss you though!

    1. And I've been missing you, Rena! I've been posting later in the day and miss quite a few of my regular subscribers. The price of being back in the classroom! I'm trying to keep up with you posts as well! Always enjoy them!

    2. I don't know how you do all that you do!

    3. Heehee! All the time in the world between midnight and 6 AM! :)

    4. My goodness, Diane - are you working now? I'm amazed that you find any time to blog or reply to comments. You are a hard worker.

  6. Too, too funny! No worries if Grandma draws her let breath - as long as we know our way home :)


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