Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bread Balls

Twice a week, and sometimes more, the wonderful aroma of freshly-baked bread wafted through the Stringam home.
It was followed, almost immediately, by the sight of children munching great slices of fresh yumminess, thickly spread with fresh butter.
I wasn't one of them.
Oh, I loved Mom's bread.
It was amazing.
And I definitely was munching.
But I chose a unique - ie. weird - way of doing it.
Often to be followed by my Mom saying, “Diane! I work hard to make perfectly good, soft bread! Why do you do that to it?!”
She said this because . . . I squished it.
Into a tight little ball.
Which I - then - ate.
Mom would watch, in disgust, as I took my slice of freshly-baked awesomeness.
Quickly peeled off and ate the crust.
Pressed and molded the rest.
Then nibbled.
I have no idea why I did this.
Maybe it was because I had seen the screen cowboys eating little balls of bread out of their saddlebags.
Okay, it looked like little balls of bread.
I didn't realize that what they were eating was, in fact, biscuits.
I wasn't known for my powers of observation and deduction.
Ahem . . .
I no longer eat bread this way.
There are a couple of drawbacks.
The biggest one being that it's rather hard to spread any significant amount of peanut butter and/or nutella on a tightly pressed ball of dough.
And, let's face it, bread is just the medium by which such things are ingested.
And, in a choice between eating balls of dough or getting nutella to the mouth?
Even the cowboys would agree with me.


  1. You had me going for a minute there. I looked at the title of your post and couldn't help thinking "Bread has balls? I didn't even know bread was male."

  2. I ate bread exactly like this my whole childhood. Nothing on it just squished into a firm ball to nibble on as you said. I had never known anyone else to do that! It just tasted better for some reason and it was like my body craved it. Maybe I was having a yeast infection hahahaha sorry couldn't resist that one!

    1. Hahahaha! Maybe . . .
      P.S. So glad to know I'm in good company!

  3. Mom used to squish her bread thin before eating it.

  4. Hah - my daughter used to roll little pieces of bread into balls before eating it! You're not weird!

    But you're right about the pb/nutella. Gotta get the biggest surface area possible to spread that yummy-ness :)

  5. I used to do the same, but only to store-bought white bread, which I have to say isn't good for much else. Your mum's homemade bread, though? Sacrilege!

    1. My Mom would totally agree with you! Wait! I can hear Mom's voice now . . . Oh. It's you . . .

  6. I have a friend that is still wont to do this. :-)


    1. Your friend and I would get along well . . .
      It isn't Dolly Gee Squeakers, is it?

  7. I also did this as a kid - and thought I was the only one! Maybe we should start a club....

    1. Ooh! What could we call ourselves?! The Squishies? Hmm . . . I'll work on it . . .

  8. When I went to overnight camp we had white bread that I ate like that. Until I read your post I completely forgot about doing it. Thanks for the memory

    1. We all need someone to bring back those long hidden memories. That we probably hid for a reason . . .

  9. my mum didn't bake our bread, but we did get fresh, still warm loaves from the baker who came around with his horse and cart, later a motorised van. I can still taste the thick slice of bread slathered with butter and jam that we sat on the front porch to eat after school. Modern bread just isn't the same.

    1. Oh, you are so right! Husby calls store-bought bread 'dog bread'. Not sure why. It's a term his father came up with that has just continued . . .

    2. I had a friend who called it "kleenex" because it was so thin and white and soft and bland ... She grew up with whole wheat bread at a time when most of us were eating the processed white stuff :)


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