Friday, October 10, 2014

Fuzzy Love

And each of them has/had a name. Please don't test me . . .

My first date with my Husby-to-be was memorable.
On so many levels.
You can read about it here.
Go ahead . . . I promise you won't miss anything . . .
Our second date was even more memorable.
But for more exciting reasons.
It was the occasion of our first kiss.
Let me see if I can describe it . . .
Chore time.
The sun has set.
Darkness drifts slowly over the prairie.
A large, quiet feed lot.
Young bulls in the background, munching on grains.
The smell of fresh manure wafts on the cool, autumn breeze.
A young man and woman snared in the light of the mercury-vapour lamp.
Hey, this is ranching country, what did you expect? The light of the moon?! 
Their eyes lock.
They move closer . . .
You get the picture.
Okay, maybe not to the normal person.
Fortunately for me, Husby-to-be was as un-normal as his wife-to-be.
A perfect match.
But the date was only beginning.
After our kiss, we returned to my parent’s home.
And that’s when I received my second surprise of the evening.
When we stepped into the vestibule (ooh! I like that word), Husby-to-be pulled a little package out of his pocket.
“Here,” he said, smiling. “I brought you something.”
Have I mentioned that I love surprises?
Well, I do.
Moving on . . .
I quickly opened the little bag and tipped out two little fuzzy men.
Pom-pom people.
With magnets on the back.
Ooooh! Cute!
“Thank you!” I said. Then I gave him a kiss.
It seemed like an appropriate response.
And I’d just discovered he was a great kisser.
Ahem . . .
And so began a tradition that lasted for years.
And covered a large part of our fridge.
Until a bottle of home-made root beer sprayed all over them.
Then they were relegated to a shadow box.
For safety.
And posterity.
I love traditions.
Almost as much as I love my Husby . . .


  1. That's an impressive collection - did he make them himself, too? FAR more interesting and personal than diamonds :)

    Your "first date" post was also excellent!

    1. All store-bought special for me!
      What could be more romantic than standing in the harsh light of the mercury-vapour lamp with the gentle (??) smell of manure wafting past one's nostrils? :0

  2. First kiss stories are the best.
    How many years do those pom-pom creatures represent?

  3. He's a fuzzy pom-pom kind of a guy (so I've heard).

  4. That's the cutest collection I've ever seen. You and your hubby sound like a match made in pom pom heaven :)!

  5. pom-pom people! I've never seen them before. Never even heard of them. We miss so much way down under. (but we have kangaroos)
    I love your pom-pom people. I'm guessing husby-to-be knew you very well.

    1. And I would love kangaroos! We miss so much up here! :)

  6. Oh I loved this! I love the look of blown glass figurines and hubby used to buy them for me all the time. I had an amazing collection that I was so proud of. He bought me a brass and glass open curio cabinet to show off my beautiful pieces until one weekend I had to go out of town with the school board and hubby was gone somewhere else. So mom had come to stay with my two kids who knew better than to touch this special collection. Well big brother also needed a babysitter for his monsters (I mean kids) so mom had no qualms about him bringing them to my house for the night. My nephew who was about 6 at the time pulled the whole curio cabinet over and broke every single piece in the collection. EVERY SINGLE PIECE. Needless to say I was devastated and still to this day haven't invited them back. Of course now they are almost adults but still....


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