Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Walk With Me

In housework, she is most devout,
Tidies, takes the garbage out.
Dusts and scrubs like a machine,
Till everything is shining, clean.

This automatic cleaning bent,
Alleviates her discontent.
‘Cause she’s alone and lonely, too.
But cannot figure what to do.

Her married friends come to her aid,
“There’s no such thing as an ‘Old Maid’”!
Utopian, your life is now.”
“To no one do you e’er kowtow.”

“Yes, you’re alone, but you should note,
You’ve sole control of the remote.”
“You needn’t ask another’s view
When making changes old to new.”

“You needn’t sleep with someone’s snore,
Who leaves socks and neckties on the floor.”
“Then walks around in underwear,
Trailing crumbs from here to there.”

 “Whate’re you want to do, you do.
And no one picks or barks at you.”
“Your perfect life, your good friends see,
Of plagiarism, guilty be.”

 She smiled and said, “My Spinster state,
Appears to you, my friends, as great.
There’s no one that I must consult.
None who would demean, insult.”

“But still sometimes, it would be nice,
To be noticed – once or twice.”
“And have someone with whom to talk,
Commit to me and walk the walk.”

“Yes, your life’s messy; yes, it’s tough.
At times it may get downright rough.”
“But still, you are together, see?
I’d love somebody there for me.”

“I’ll carry on. I’m happy, true!
Because I have such friends as you!”
But here’s what my good friends can do,
It’d help if you were watching, too!

Again, Delores challenges with her six little words.
Again, her minions scramble to answer.
This week?
 Utopian, plagiarismnecktieautomaticspinsterdevout
It's an introspective day.


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