Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Little Religious Education

Dinnertime is family time.
And sometimes, you learn a lot.
Let me tell you about it . . .
We had been steadily working our way through husby’s homemade beef stew.
With yummy thick slices of bread.
The conversation – revolved.
Three-year-old Granddaughter #6 (hereinafter known as G6) had finished and was waiting, somewhat patiently, for the rest to follow.
So she could be excused.
Suddenly, she remembered something exciting.
She had just received a new set of scriptures.
And in them, right there in the front, was a picture of Jesus.
This was news that simply couldn’t wait.
She had to show us.
She scrambled down from her chair and ran to fetch her book.
Opening it to the correct page, she proudly displayed the picture for everyone.
The conversation went something like this . . .
G6: “Look! It’s Jesus! Jesus. Everyone! Jesus!”
Daddy: “What’s Jesus’ last name?”
G6: Blank look.
Grandma: “What’s Jesus’ last name, Sweetie?”
G6: Blinking and blank look.
Grandma (speaking slowly in her best this-is-a-hint voice): “Jesus C-h-r-i-s-t . . .”
G6 (light dawns): “Oh!” Big smile. “Amen!”
So just in case you’re wondering about that elusive last name . . .
Now you know.
The picture.


  1. Now I'm wondering just what his last name was, because surely he would have had the same as Mary and Joseph and I don't think their last name was Christ. Perhaps it was Carpenter as folk back then often took the name of their profession.

  2. That is adorable! Out of the mouth of babes!

  3. Just so sweet! I love your stories.
    Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving with all of your family. I am sure you will be creating more stories

    1. Thank you so much, LeAnn! And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well. Family time. The very best time!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Mary! She definitely keeps us entertained!

  5. I hope your whole (entertaining!) family will all be with you for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan! More stories to follow probably . . .


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