Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Heaven, Gustatory

 “‘Tis feasible,” my mother said,
“One day you won’t approach with dread,
The culinary preparation needed.”
“To keep your family fine and strong,
Health’s maintenance. And life prolong!”
I sighed and knew, this once, she should be heeded.

And so she set the gadgets up,
She showed me teaspoon, timer, cup,
And joyfully, she started my instruction.
And while I watched in blank dismay,
Components hybrid on display,
I feared I’d never manage reproduction.

My poor family ached long-term
Gelatinous stews that made them squirm,
And casseroles known only by their toppings.
But still my mother laboured on,
Her lines of duty, clearly drawn,
From morn till night. Without. Ever. Stopping.

Her daughter must be well prepared,
No defeat would be declared.
And suitors would not ever find her wanting.
From soup to nuts and all between,
She taught me her divine cuisine,
And introduced aromas rich and haunting.

And I learned to cook, I truly did.
Discovered secrets ever hid,
Explored the states of ‘Heaven, Gustatory’,
And though I’ll never famous be,
My friends and all my family
Are satisfied. And that, to me, is glory.

With praise and glory to her name,
Issues challenges all great and mighty.
With glee writ large upon her face,
She takes us to her happy place
And tasks her minions, aged from nine to ninety.

This weeks challenge? 
Go ahead. Try it. It's fun!


  1. Well done mujer, well done! BB will not embarass herself by attempting such a feat- for a feat it is. Especially when one writes in Spanglish. ; ) BB2U

  2. I am so impressed by the more complex meter you've used here, Diane. Having tried such a thing more than once in my lifetime, I know it's not at all simple. I do believe you could make any topic interesting, by the way :)

    And now I'm hungry, dagnabit!

  3. You have raised the bar to a new height Diane! How you write in rhyme like this is just beyond me! I loved this ... and I'm now getting phone call cooking questions from my daughter!

    1. Isn't it fun? Until they move back in with you, that is . . .

  4. Another great rhyme....and this one even has my gleeful face in it...heh heh heh.

  5. Heaven, Gustatory. This is your best poem yet!
    My mum taught me a few things too,especially about roast dinners and how to make the gravy. She mentioned something about roasted meat and gravy soothing angry feelings.
    And I love the last one about Delores and her challenge, you should put that one in for every challenge.

    1. Thank you so much, River! It was such fun to write! And re-live.

  6. Just amazing; how you do it?? You a master of the written word. Totally enjoyed this one; the words and the theme were incredible.
    Blessings for sharing your talent!

  7. You never cease to amaze me - so well done!

  8. It always amazes me how well you do at these little tests! Wonderful again!


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