Friday, November 21, 2014

Mission Possible

“Ummm . . . hello?” I moved out of the hallway cautiously. The reception area looked deserted, but I knew from past experience . . .
“Good morning, Jim!” The slow, distinct, whispered words were coming from someplace ahead. And below.
“Umm . . . my name’s not . . .”
“You will find a document on the desk. Read it.”
I moved slowly toward said desk, still glancing carefully all about. In the very center of the spotlessly clean surface was a large, brown envelope. I hesitated, then reached for it. It was light. Thin. Obviously not filled with copious notes smuggled out in an ongoing industrial espionage heist. I slid out a single sheet of paper. A photograph.
And stared at it.
The whisper continued. “The person caught on camera here is a fairly normal, mundane woman from a rather boring branch of the civil service.”
Normal? I had my doubts.
“Not usually prone to riveting drama or hijinks; or galvanized to action by spectacular messages sent from unseen forces.”
“Your assignment should you choose to accept it is to contact her. Set up an assignation. A meeting. Get to know her. I’m thinking maybe dinner.”
I wondered if I looked as surprised as I felt.
“And see where it takes you.”
Ummm . . .
“As always, should you or any member of your FedEx team be frightened off, or if the answer is no, the receptionist will disavow any knowledge of this transaction. Good luck, Jim.”

“Oh, and leave any packages you may be carrying on the desk. She’ll sign for them later.”

Each week, Our favourite blogger, Delores of Under the Porch Light, extends greetings.
And a list of words.
She only does this to friends.
I shudder to think of what she does to enemies . . .
Moving on . . .
This week's list? 
industrial, copiousgalvanizedbranchrivetingcamera
Take that, Delores!
We love you!


  1. No, "Jim", NO! For goodness' sake, DON'T DO IT!!!

    1. Oh, that voice in my head, telling me what I should be doing . . .

  2. I love you too....and your little story heh heh heh.

  3. Such a fun use of your words. But I want to see the picture . . .

  4. This needs a chapter two, I'm intrigued.
    You do so well with these words.

  5. I agree - I'd like to know more of this story!


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