Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Spectacle

Christmas.The busy time has started . . .
Over the next four days, I'm reprinting one of my Christmas short stories.
I hope you enjoy it!
Part One:

It was the most exciting Christmas Parade in our town's history.
Just not for the right reasons.
Maybe I should explain.
Our town, Bow Bank, Alberta, lies nestled in the crook of a branch of the Milk River.
It's a quiet, sleepy little place that really hasn't changed much in the past 50 years.
Families live here. Worship here. Grow here.
The current mayor, Hector Mayor, is a happy fellow, with a large heart and an equally large girth.
And endowed with a great sense of humor.
Well let's face it, with a title like Mayor Mayor, a sense of humor is rather important.
He's been in office for over fifteen years and rules our town with a fatherly and liberal hand.
His council has followed him in every decision he's ever made.
Well, until recently, that is.
In October, rumors started swirling through the Ladies Aid that things were not as they should be among the place holders on council.
And the rumors proved to be true.
It turned out that Rand Digby, he of the sweet wife and seven children, had eyes for another of the council members.
First timer, Karen Makepeace.
Fortunately, she was not like-minded and stopped him in his tracks.
So to speak.
But the scandal hit the air waves, being the hottest topic of discussion at the Ladies Aid, over the latest charity quilt and accompanying cups of herbal tea and tiny petits fours.
The result was that Mrs. Digby and her brood abruptly pulled up stakes and fled to her mother's.
Rand followed shortly, apologies spilling forth.
But the damage was done.
His wife refused to return to the scene of her humiliation and the now-repentant Rand refused to return without her.
When the dust had finally settled, a council seat was vacant.
A by-election was called and two people threw their hats into the ring.
Jenna Grace Chappell (Not like the church, mind! Two 'l's' and two 'p's', thank you very much!), the local librarian.
And F. Rodney Digby (or F. Roddy, as he preferred) the elementary school principal and younger brother to Rand, he of the slippery morals and newly-repentant spirit.
The by-election was set for January.
The contest was on.


  1. Ooo ... looking forward to the next parts! I sort of remember this, but fortunately my memory is toast and I'll enjoy it all over again because I forget the ending :)

  2. Great beginning, you've got me on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to hear more about these two characters and see what happens in the election.

  3. Oh, I am into this one. I can't wait for the next part.
    Blessings for getting my attention; this will be fun.

  4. Oh, you tease us! When is the next part? I'm going to go grab my popcorn and a soda while you write the next installment….but don't take too long---- I wanna know!!! :-)

  5. Yay a story! Love part one, can't wait to see what happens!

  6. This is gonna be a good one! I can already tell! Merry Christmas Diane!


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