Monday, December 8, 2014

Santa and Mrs.

Husby and me. In our alter egos.
Picture by Bonnie-Jean McAllister at Ealanta Photography
It's the single best job anywhere. Ever.
And all it takes is a bit of red cloth. Some fur.
A beard.
And a big smile.
Seriously. Who wouldn't do this?
For several years, Husby and I have been appearing at parties and malls as Santa and Mrs.
There's nothing quite like the cheer that goes up when we step into a hall.
The rewards are immediate and long-lasting.
From the sweet:
"Santa, I love you!" from the little girl who just dropped her coat on the floor and dove into Santa's arms.
To the practical:
"Santa, I've been waiting all year for you!" from the little boy with the long list.
And the funny:
"Santa, that's my sister. She doesn't deserve anything because she always fights with me." from the little boy with the freckles and the cowlick.
To the touching:
"Santa, I need your help. My Dad's sick." from the little boy with the eyes that are too sad for this normally joyous time of year.
Husby takes a few moments for each of them. Gently and tenderly giving them their little bit of uninterrupted, precious and personal 'Santa Time'.
Acting as Santa to the kids is wonderful.
But the reaction from people when we are en-route is just as much fun.
Yesterday, kitted out in our red finery, we were stopped at a stop light.
In the time it took for the light to change, we heard that the man in the truck next to us had been a good boy.
That the woman on the other side really needed help with her mortgage payments.
And that the woman in front of us wanted a boyfriend. And also, where was our sleigh?
I can't think of a single other character who is as instantly recognizable and universally loved.
It's like being a rock star.
In fur and velvet.
Yep. Best. Job. Ever.


  1. My heart would break with some of these interactions. If I couldn't do anything about it.

  2. My girls are so tickled that they get to call Santa and Mrs. Claus 'Gramma and Grampa'! They know how much work you do as/for the real Santa! I love their reactions!

    1. Certainly different from the first time they met Santa and Mrs.!

  3. What fun! Bet you are the best Mr. & Mrs. Claus ever!

  4. You've had lots of experience with wonder you're so good at it.

  5. It must be a most amazing experience! And I do believe you and Husby have all the qualities needed to do the job well. Enjoy, enjoy! (And do I recall from last year's post that you MADE those beautiful costumes? What a lot of work but - wow!)

    1. Why, thank you Jenny!
      I did make them! Sewing's in my blood.

  6. How wonderful! This must be so fun AND rewarding. By the way, you both look perfect!

  7. Such a fun job! I remember when I was very young that Santa & Mrs Claus made a 'home visit' I was so excited about that. To this day, I'm still not sure of their true identities. But it sure made my day.

    1. A Home visit! That would be something I'd remember forever as well! We get to do a few of those. Not as many as I'd like, but a few.

  8. I saw your picture yesterday on Facebook and fell in love with you all over again (not in the creepy stalker like way... in the your are the best person, I wanna be like you kind of way)! I bet it is so much fun, I would love to do this someday. I keep looking at Caleb and Izzy and I think, "You know I didn't have any grandparents to watch and figure this stuff out by, (mine were gone before I was born except one who died when I was 9). I want to be the best at it, so I hope you don't mind if I take a few lessons from your book on how to be the best grandma and grandpa ever!!!!! Now make my Christmas and tell me you got the BAM stuff and that you are going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You are so sweet, Rena! I did get the info and Husby and I went over finances last night. I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the budget just won't allow for a trip to Nashville right now. I'm so bummed . . .

  9. That is just way awesome that you do this. I can just imagine how much fun and sweet this would be.
    Blessings for do this one!


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