Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Waiting for Santa

He came!!!
The Stringam ranch was far out in the country.
Far out.
But Santa still managed to find it.
In fact, it was probably one of his first stops because he showed up even before the kids had gone to bed.
All of this happened several years BD (Before Diane), but fortunately my Dad still remembers it . . .
Christmas Eve. The sun had long since set and a sparkling winter evening had closed over the old two-storey farmhouse.
Two big-eyed children, ages four and two were listening to stories about the magical Santa and his gift-bearing sleigh and reindeer.
Suddenly, mid-story, their father stood up, apparently hearing noises outside.
“Oh! I think he’s here!” He grinned at the kids, then put on his coat and headed outside, into the blackness.
Both children crowded close to the kitchen door, trying hard to peer into the night and catch a glimpse of this mysterious ‘Santa’.
They didn’t have long to wait.
Or far to peer.
Because the door swung open and Santa stepped right into their kitchen.
Following some general ‘ho-ho-hos’ and some pats on the head, he carried his sack of toys into the front room and proceeded to arrange brightly-coloured packages under the Christmas tree.
The two wide-eyed children drifted dazedly in his wake, observing everything closely.
Finally, the little girl could stand it no longer. “Santa? Did you see Daddy out there?” She glanced toward the kitchen door.
Some general affirmative grunting from the man in red.
“Oh.” A long pause. Then, “Is he holding your reindeer?”
Myth comes up smack against the practical four-year-old brain.
Myth wins.

The Stockings are hung.

The Bears are made.

The PJ's are finished.
Santa? We're ready.

Merry Christmas to all and a very happy holiday with family and friends!


  1. I was telling the hubs just the other day about your pj tradition. Um...could you pass one of those bears please? Merry Christmas.

    1. Yep. Stars this year! There's a bear with your name on it! :) Merry Christmas back to you!

  2. Merry Christmas Diane... I wish you and your family peace and joy ♡

    1. Thank you, Launna! And wishing you the same. Best year yet (with your new you)!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Lana! And the same to you and your family!

  4. "is he holding your reindeer?"
    whew! Santa almost exposed...
    I bet those two were the only kids to ever see Santa delivering their gifts. lucky kids.

    1. She was a quick thinker. And Santa squeaked by by the seat of his pants!
      Pretty awesome for two little kids!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Aw ... so sweet :) And a good little thinker, too!

    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, Diane!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! And many wishes for a Happy New Year for you and your family!

  7. Merry Christmas Diane!
    I love everything about this post. And do I count 25 (!) stockings ?!!

    1. Thanks so much, Susan! And you do count 25 stockings. :) One was missing . . .

  8. A delightful story and blessings to you and yours.
    Have a sweet weekend and sending hugs your way.

  9. So funny "Our" Santa forgot to take his sunglasses off one yeR when my kids were small and their Uncle surprised them. The surprised him right back when the both recognized them...and him!


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