Friday, January 16, 2015

Here Comes Trouble

A poem. Because it's been . . . you know . . . hours since my last one!

My Sister. She only looks tough.
In youth, I was a daring sort,
A heedless, reckless charge-right-in.
In games, activities and sports,
In all events, through thick or thin.

My sister, she of softer mien,
Would often follow where I led.
On dusty trails or tracks unseen,
The paths where ‘Angels fear to tread’ . . .

Upon Montana’s ski slopes there,
A smooth trail beckoned through the woods.
A path, the incandescent air,
Promised everything that’s good.

But I’m a cowgirl to my toes,
Even up upon the mountain side,
I had one speed and t’wasn’t slow.
My sister’s caution, I’d deride.

Spectacular and fast, my run,
I made a final, breathless stop.
Then waited for my Chris to come,
And happily scanned the mountain top.

She didn’t show, I’m sure you’ve guessed.
She’d fallen, twisted up her knee.
And now her holiday was messed
Cause she’d been trying to catch me.

One summer, as we headed home,
Bedecked in prairie dust and grime,
From checking through the herds that roam,
(And it was nearing supper time).

The lot fell to my sister there,
To man the gate so we’d get through.
She finished the small task with flair,
Re-mount was all she had to do.

But as she slipped her foot into
The stirrup, something went awry,
Impatient me had spurred my horse
And off t’ward home this goose did fly.

My sister’s horse did start to run
And spilled her owner in the dirt
A badly injured knee (not fun),
And for my Sis, a world of hurt.

The message that I’ve tried to frame
In my telescopic, silly way,
Is: We all know the one to blame
And who the piper is we pay.

If adventure’s what you crave,
If, into sports, you plow headfirst,
Remember: Though they may seem brave,
Avoid the cowgirls. They’re the worst!

Each week, Delores of Under the Porch Light issues instructions to her followers.
To Avoid Boredom and/or Writer's Block: Use Words.
You know what? It works!
This week's words?
Try it and see what I mean!


  1. I love your little're one clever mama!

  2. Ha ha! In this poem, I played the role of your sister, and my little sister was you. Can't tell you how many injuries I had trying to keep up with her!

  3. I'm feeling quite sorry for your sister, at this point her injuries can all be laid at your feet. Your speedy, speedy feet.

  4. I'm not sure which of us--Wendy or me--would play which role in this drama...but it's a darn fine drama nonetheless!

  5. Great use of those seemingly unrelated words!

    Is your sister still willing to be within shouting distance of you? hee hee

  6. I'm a little breathless - just from the thought of trying to keep up with you through your childhood ... and your talented use of these words! Amazing.
    What I love best about a word prompt exercise is the different directions each author takes with it!

  7. I love your poetry it always makes me smile although this one made me laugh! You take these words and make it look so easy!

  8. This was great, dear sister! Love you!

    1. See? This is proof you're still talking to me! :) Love you back!


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