Monday, January 5, 2015

Rainy Days and Sunshine

Something for Everyone!
My Husby's father was a wonderful man.
Devoted to his numerous offspring and grand-offspring.
Who, in turn, loved him and anxiously awaited any opportunity to go for a visit.
I must admit here that seeing and visiting with their Grampa wasn't their only reason for wanting to spend time at his house.
Their motives were a bit more . . . self-serving.
Because Grampa had treats.
Really yummy treats.
He had learned over the years to put a little something away for, as he called it, a 'rainy day'.
And 'rainy days' were much sought after and appreciated.
Especially by the younger set.
Inevitably, when visiting Grampa's house, after the initial excitement of greeting and getting everyone inside and settled, Grampa would say, “Well, I think I'll just go and see if I have anything for a 'rainy day'.
Which meant that he did.
Yummy-ness was forthcoming.
Moving ahead several years . . .
My Husby learned many things from his father.
One of which was, to the joy and delight of his children and grandchildren, the stashing away of 'rainy days'.
He does this religiously.
And, as a result, generally grows more than it diminishes.
His present stash consists of two huge cardboard boxes and several bags, taking up the entire space under his desk.
Several fancy wooden chests of 'treasure'.
And a shelf full of boxed chocolates.
Do you fancy a treat?
You're invited.
Rainy Days for everyone.
And I do mean everyone.


  1. I'll be right over.

  2. That is the sweetest thing. I love it.

  3. I would never have the willpower to build up a collection. The only thing getting bigger would be my waist. I was going to say I'd be right behind Delores, but perhaps I'd better stay home!

    Could you use "the stash" for a Valentine's Day donation to a food bank? (if you're seriously full up)

    1. Oooo! Good idea! Maybe I'll actually get some leg room back under the desk!

  4. I'm on my way! I did the incredibly stupid thing of thinking I was being smart when I skipped the snack aisle this week! I thought yay what a smart decision. Now I'm thinking stupid there isn't anything good to eat in the whole house! I need to have some rainy days!

  5. It's all about treats and yes, I'd love some chocolates right this very minute!

  6. One more reason I need to visit your house! Love the idea of calling them rainy days. I'd have to do some creative hiding to keep them away from the teenage boys!

  7. I really love this sweet idea and I am going to share it with my Hubby. I think he would love to do something similar to this. I am a little concerned about the storing of chocolate because i would find my self needing a rainy day moment everyday.
    Blessings for this one!

    1. I'm sitting here with my feet literally encased in chocolate. It's a hard thing...

  8. This wouldn't work in my house - unless NONE of us knew where the rainy day stash was hidden!

  9. I'd be very pleased to accept your invitation, if only I didn't live so far away. I'll have to visit via your blog.
    I never set aside treats for rainy days or visits, but I did usually bake something if I knew people were coming and if they turned up unexpectedly, I'd whip up a batch of brownies.


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