Saturday, February 14, 2015

First Valentine

My First Valentine is nearly 90 years old.

I have been visiting him and making sure he is eating and all of the important stuff . . .
Look at that sweet face . . .
I was out yesterday, at Dad’s local grocery, buying food.
I so love buying food!
I walked past a display of Valentine goodies.
And stopped.
There were several heart-shaped boxes.
 Beautifully, elegantly - decorated boxes.
Cute, colourful boxes.
Boxes with favourite cartoon characters printed on the lids.
Dozens of kinds to choose from.
Somewhere in the middle was a stack of boxes.
They reminded me of something.
A gift from my Dad on a Valentine’s Day many, many years ago.
Dad always gave my Mom a heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
It was the one special day of the year he was confident in his gift-giving abilities.
The year I turned six was even more special for me.
It was the year that Dad first included me in the gift giving.
At breakfast that morning, he handed my mom a beautifully decorated large box of chocolates.
To much oohing and ahhing from us kids.
Then he smiled at me and handed me a box.
A small, heart-shaped box of chocolates all my own.
I stared at him.
Then at the box.
For me?
All for me?
He nodded. “For my littlest Valentine,” he said.
I jumped up and gave him a hug. Then snatched the box and fled.
The chocolates inside were gone faster than you can blink.
But the box remained.
 Because I like boxes.
For years, it held my smallest treasures.
Then, when I moved out, it remained with all the little keepsakes of my childhood . . .
I didn't mention the Valentine's display to my Dad. I thought that when the time came, I would just go and buy one of those boxes for him.
Last night, as we were sitting visiting, he asked me to get him his little sewing kit.
I went to fetch it.
And discovered that his sewing kit was my little chocolate box.
I held it in my hands and stared at it.
I was suddenly six years old again.
Receiving my first Valentine’s gift from my first Valentine.
Such a sweet, sweet memory.
I'm here to help my Dad.
But really, he is helping me.
A little the worse for the wear,
but it is over 50 years old! Like me . . .


  1. What a sweet story for the day of love. Hugs to you all.

  2. Wow, thanks for sharing the story of you and your dad. Give him an extra hug. I miss my dad so much. Happy Valentine's Day

    1. I totally will. I'm so glad for any time I have with him!

  3. Love this story. Sniff! Happy Valentine's Day to you & Husby, and to your Dad.

  4. And've given me the sniffles.We are our Daddies girls aren't we?

  5. I would have loved to have a dad like that and a story like that to tell - you are very blessed!

  6. I got a bit teary-eyed at this one, so passed it to my husband to read. Now he's all teary-eyed too. :)

  7. I remember the first I was included in my dad's Valentines Day gifts. I was about the same age and he gave me a little tea cup and saucer with little artificial baby roses w/ baby's breath. I still have it and it means more to me than any gift I've ever been given. Dad's are so special! I'm so glad to see yours smiling and happy. I had been wondering how he was doing!

  8. How very sweet that your dad kept that little box all these years. Did buy a heart shaped box of chocolates for your dad?

    1. I totally did, River. Then helped him eat the chocolates. I mean, what else would a dutiful daughter do?

  9. Just read this tonight and it made me smile after a long, difficult weekend. Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Lana. Sorry you had a tough weekend. Here's to better days ahead!


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