Friday, February 27, 2015

Leaving (and Arriving) on a Jet Plane

Kids are observant.
If you don’t believe me, try spending an hour with a three-year-old.
They just don’t always understand what they are seeing . . .
Our goodfriend, Shirley, though a medium plane trip away, spends as much time as she can with her young granddaughters.
She (and they) love it.
She flies into the local airport and her son and his family meet her at Arrivals. Hugs and kisses are exchanged.
And she and her luggage are scooped up and transported to her son’s house.
Everyone enjoys time together.
Then, at the end of her visit, she and her baggage are returned to the airport, where more kisses and hugs are exchanged and she disappears through to Departures.
A fairly mundane – and not infrequent – chain of events.
And one that everyone thought the little granddaughters understood.
During Shirley’s last visit, the topic of transportation came up. Specifically the astounding revelation that “Grandma can drive?!”
Her youngest granddaughter was particularly amazed.
“I didn’t know you could drive, Grandma!”
“Well, I can. I even have a car of my own!”
“Huh. I didn’t know you had a car.” A short pause. Then, “I thought you had a jet.”
Our little ones are observing.
They’re just not always putting things together in the right configuration.
Be warned.


  1. That is hilarious - and quite a compliment to grandma's talents!

  2. Can you imagine the stories she has told at school about Grandma and her jet!

  3. Thanks for the reminder of that priceless incident. You tell the story much better than I can. Hugs.

  4. Replies
    1. Through the eyes of a child. Nothing is quite as it seems . . .

  5. So funny. I remember my older son being shocked the first time he saw grandma drive. He was used to me driving everywhere!

  6. Grandma's got her very own private jet. Everyone needs a grandma like that.

  7. Too cute. Adorable that GrandMa owning a jet is a bit over the top is not realized yet!

  8. Delores got there before me. a Grandma with her own private jet.
    (great minds think alike?) (*~*)

  9. This reminds me of how children think their teachers live at school!


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