Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Paradise Lost

I'm a maker-of-beds; a bed-maker, me.
I do it to make things as neat as can be.
My Husby’s a nest-er; glad burrower, he.
Rolled in the bedclothes, cocooned in debris.

I'm ready as soon as my feet hit the floor,
To straighten and tighten and tuck and restore.
While Husby, yes he of the im-press-ive snore
[Through his actions], explains just what bedding is for.

We don’t argue or fight – we’re above all of that,
We don’t even have what you might call ‘a spat’.
But with such different wishes, his – messy; mine – flat,
You’re wondering how we've avoided combat . . .

Well . . .

There’s something that you need to know about me,
I'm sneaky. Hereafter, I'm sure you’ll agree.
Through the night, he may bundle as tight as can be,
But, sooner or later, he’ll have to go [pee].

Forgive my crass blurting of natural acts,
But this is what happens. Yes. These are the facts.
As he nips to the ‘john’ to regroup and relax,
His spouse leaps from bed, morning ritual enacts.

Emerging, he sees, once again, he’s been bossed.
That his needed relief didn't come without cost.
He looks at the blankets, once comfy and tossed,
Heaves a soft, simple sigh for his Paradise Lost.


  1. Ha ha ha! Love it! You're tricky :)

    I leave the bed "open" until after breakfast to give it a chance to "breathe", but that sucker needs straightened out right after that. I'm talking about the bed, by the way :)

    1. I'd thought of the whole 'airing the bed' trick, but I never get back to the bedroom to do it until it's time to go back to bed. Sigh.

  2. I gotta let the bed 'air out' before I can make it. Poor husby.....tidied right out of the bed.

  3. I guess that makes me the "pisser" in our house!

  4. Exactly like our house! If my husband had his way, he'd never make the bed.

    1. That's what Husby says! He tells me he just gets things comfortable, then I come along and tidy everything. It's a tough life.

  5. I like my bed made pretty quickly after getting up, I used to do it immediately, these days I throw back the covers to air the sheet while I eat breakfast and dress, then I make the bed. I just can't stand to see the bedroom untidy.

    1. I've tied that. But the bed remains unmade until I get back there at bedtime. A conundrum indeed!


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