Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Nutella Protocol

Happy world Nutella day!
I love Nutella.
For many reasons.
This is the main one . . .

Sometimes, miracles are tasty!
Two years ago . . .

My Husby has been ill.
Scary ill.
We first noticed it in September.
He was . . . tired.
Through October and November, he just couldn't seem to get enough rest.
We attributed it to the fact that he was busy producing yet another play for our drama society.
A stressful job.
To say the least . . .
The play closed on November 21st and we were on the road for a book tour on the 24th.
No time for rest.
By the time we returned home two weeks later, he was very ill.
But he concluded that he was simply overtired and determined to get some real rest.
Which stretched into sleeping twenty hours a day.
And giving up food.
A rather important part of every day, in my mind.
In a two week period, he lost fifteen pounds.
I finally decided to ignore his protestations and made an appointment with our physician.
Who immediately ordered him into emergency.
Where they began pumping blood into him.
The next few days were touch and go as they tried to treat him/determine just what the problem was.
They finally decided that his body was systematically attacking and destroying his blood.
Not good.
Throughout this time, he still wasn't eating.
Nothing appealed.
They finally sent him home from the hospital, but with strict instructions to come back every day for more testing/treatments.
And to start eating.
Still nothing appealed.
Finally, as he was rummaging through the cupboard, he discovered a jar of Nutella, mostly full.
I should mention, here, that Grant lived in France for two years before we were married. Nutella was a habit he brought back with him.
Huh. Holding the familiar jar, it suddenly looked . . . good.
He spread it on a piece of homemade bread and took a bite.
It was good.
Over the next couple of days, he went through that jar of Nutella.
Sometimes spread on a bit of bread.
Sometimes on a banana.
Sometimes with a spoon.
Then he bought more.
And ate those.
He was finally eating.
I don't know what they put in Nutella.
Hazelnuts and chocolate and yumminess.
And, let's face it, if you spread Nutella on a hubcap, I'd eat it.
But there must be some other secret goodness in there, because it brought him back from the brink.
And I do mean brink.
He calls it the Nutella Protocol.
I call it a miracle in a bottle.
It kept his motor running.
Gentlemen, raise your spoons!
Taken the day before he went into hospital.


  1. Nutella can be good for what ails you. I hope he makes a full recovery, Diane

    1. He's a work in progress. But the key word is 'progress'!

  2. Wow...what a scary experience for both of you! And hurrah for Nutella! :)

    1. We still have the celebratory bottle on our mantle. Yeah, home decorating isn't my strong suit . . .

  3. Ah, the healing powers of Nutella. I think you should write up an article for the New England Journal of Medicine. I'd leave that hubcap part out, though!

  4. Nutella was created by baby angels riding unicorns.

  5. Thank goodness for yummy things that tempt the appetite when we are sick! That must have been a terrifying period of time. Hope all is well now.

    1. It definitely was terrifying. As long as he keeps up treatment, he is doing just fine. Thank you!

  6. Nutella is rather good. I am happy your husband found it and was able to eat better. It is one of those food items that can go on a lot of different food. I do hope your hubby is doing well now.
    Blessings wished for both of you!

    1. He's doing fine now, LeAnn, thank you! Just has to keep up his treatments!

  7. Hurrah for Nutella.

  8. Nutella is the hero!!! Okay, open jars, raise jars, dip spoon in and everyone toast this treat! So happy for you Diane and your husband!

    1. Isn't it great when tasty and necessary can come in the same package?!

  9. Wow! What a scary time for you both. Thank goodness for Nutella! And I love it all the more now. I stocked up a good supply when I heard that there was a shortage of hazelnuts in Turkey {where most of Nutella's supply comes from} and that Nutella's price would sky rocket. I haven't seen the increase in price yet....they say it takes about a they go through their own stock. But hey....I am well prepared. :) Glad Grant's health is doing so much better!

    1. Uh-oh. Shortage in Turkey, you say? I can just see the shopping cart next time . . .

  10. Pretty scary watching your hubby drop 15 pounds in two weeks, not to mention all that sleeping. My daughter watched her husband drop 15 pounds or so in a couple of weeks too, he's now on a gluten free diet permanently. and doing much better.
    Did you (they) discover what was wrong with Grant? Something simple I hope. Hooray for Nutella! Very yummy stuff.

    1. They never did discover what was wrong, River. They just know that, for some reason, his blood destroys itself. Like Leukaemia, but not. Like Pernicious Anaemia, but not. Sigh. But his injections help, so he'll keep up treatments anyway . . .

  11. I hope your husband is on the road to recovery - how scary! I'm pretty sure I could live on Nutella - it has all the food groups in it, right? I have a post going up on Saturday with a delicious Nutella recipe that I think your husband might love...

  12. I knew there was a reason I have an addiction to Nutella! That is AMAZING news about your Hubby. I hope he stays healthy and strong from now on. Keep eating that Nutellla!

  13. I never knew the health benefits of Nutella before. I will pass this on to friend who is recovering and having to gain weight!

  14. Wow that sounds a lot like what happened to me when I was hospitalized a back in KY. My blood was so bad I had to have 3 different blood transfusions and I didn't eat for so, so long. I have to say that I have never tried Nutella in my life! I'm not a big fan of chocolate. I know not normal but I am more of a salty snacker. Glad he's okay now!


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