Saturday, March 7, 2015


Children of newly-weds.
I have a theory.
Holidays make you younger.
Let me explain . . .
My Husby and I were married early.
I was 20. He was 21.
We had our first baby just before our first anniversary.
Our second followed eighteen months later.
And our third two years after our second.
We were . . . busy.
It wasn't until our third son was eleven months old that we were able to take our first vacation.
Okay, it wasn't a real vacation.
It was a conference.
But it was in beautiful Halifax. One of the jewels of Canada's East coast.
And my Husby's ticket was paid for.
All we had to cover were my expenses.
That was as close to a vacation as we were going to get.
For three days, while Husby was at his various meetings, my baby and I spent our time in the comfortable hotel room.
Exploring the many sites of old Halifax.
Or eating.
On the final day of the conference, a gala banquet and ball had been planned.
The hotel supplied us with a baby-sitter.
And I was free to join my Husby for wonderful food and a table full of scintillating (Oooh! Good word!) company.
We ate and talked and laughed.
Partway through the evening, my Husby leaned close and said something to me.
I giggled and kissed his nose.
Then one of the women at the table sighed and said, “I just love newlyweds!”
I smiled at her.
And thought of my almost-one-year-old upstairs with the babysitter.
And my four and three-year-olds at home with gramma.
I had been married five years.
And spent much of that time either pregnant or nursing.
I felt ancient.
And this woman thought I was a newly-wed.
I could draw only one conclusion.
It was because I was on holiday.
It must have been.
Who needs surgery and/or creams to erase the years?
I know of something infinitely more fun.
Here's to holidays!

P.S. Red Skelton (Google it) agrees with me. He once said, when asked his age, "I'm 67 years old. I would be 68 but I lived for a year on Maui!"


  1. You're only as old as you feel it's said.

    1. At 5 am, I am a centenarian. I get younger as the day progresses . . .

  2. Contentment is better than any cream or potion :) Three children in five years - you needed that supper-vacation (and more)!

    Red Skelton! Hadn't thought of him in years. A wonderful example of good clean comedy ... something in short supply these days ... except here, where it abounds :)

    1. We raised our children on the antics of Red. He is - and will always be - my favourite!

  3. Loved Red Skelton!
    I know that busy, busy feeling very well. There's nothing like a holiday to help things along. Newly-weds! :)
    I had three babies in five years too!
    Married in 1971 at 18, had baby #1 in 73, baby #2 in 75, baby #3 in 76. Then I took a break and #4 wasn't born until 1981.

  4. What an interesting comment. I think it's because you're really in love. ;-)

  5. I remember the first time we left our kids with grandparents (just 2!) and went away for a weekend. At first I felt like my right arm had been cut off - but I also did feel a bit like a newlywed again. The woman who made that comment clearly picked up that vibe from you!

    1. I know this will sound funny but I think you;ll understand . . . When we used to wean the calves in the fall, we'd turn out the mothers, who would instantly scatter across the prairie. Most of them would Kick and buck like calves themselves. I always thought it looked a little like someone who had received a reprieve. I certainly knew where the term 'kick up their heels' came from! :)

  6. I still feel like a newly wed even after 24 years of marriage!


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