Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Age is Relative

Our good friend, Shirley, was having a wonderful visit with family.
She and her granddaughters had played games.
Read stories.
Conquered the slide at the park.
And, occasionally, relaxed.
It was during this last that certain . . . revelations . . . were ummm . . . revealed.
Grandma and granddaughters were sitting quietly, cuddling.
The youngest was exploring Grandma’s hand. She compared sizes. Traced the veins and lines. Noted any spots. Then the little fingers worked their way up Grandma’s arm.
The flesh was traced and pushed one way and then the other.
Finally, the little girl had worked her way up to Grandma’s elbow. There, she paused. Finally, the small fingers gripped the skin covering that joint; pulled it out, stretched it.
Jiggled it.
“Gee, Grandma,” the little girl said. “You’re sure a lot older than when I first knew you!”
Feeling young and care-free?
Like the world is your oyster and nothing and no one can take it from you?
Go and visit your grandkids.
They’ll bring back reality.


  1. Being a new grandma myself, I surreptitiously checked how far my elbow skin will go :)

  2. That elbow skin will give you away every time.

  3. Thanks so much for that preciousl story--even though I am said Grandma in the story. As they say "Out of the mouths of babes..." I printed it off for the granddaughter to read as I'm leaving soon. Hope my arms hold up for the trip...........Shirley

    1. I do hope she enjoys it! We get a lot of stories from that sweet little soul, Shirley. I do hope you have a wonderful time. Be safe! And bring home many new stories! :)

  4. Three of my five grandchildren are old enough to vote, yet I don't often feel old yet. Maybe when the great-grands come along.

    1. It just proves the adage, you're only as old as you feel!

  5. Argh. My Nana used to answer all questions about age with, "I'm 99 and a half--how about you?" For almost 100, she looked pretty darn good!


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