Monday, May 25, 2015

Getting to Know You

The children’s organization in our church begins when the children are three.
Watching those little ones come into the room for the first time to join the older kids is quite a treat.
They look so tiny.
Enough background . . .
In an effort to get to know each of the children, a survey was distributed at the beginning of the year.
These are the answers my three-year-old granddaughter (hereinafter called GD3) supplied.

Primary Spotlight 2015
I came down to__[earth]__ from my Father above.
My home has __[
five]__ people and __[1]__ animals to love.
I like to __[
go on doughnut dates]__ with my family.
If you see someone with __[
hazel]__ eyes and __[curly brown]__ hair, it could be me.
I like learning about __[
the alphabet]__ when I go to school.
When I grow up, I want to be __[
four years old]__ (I think that would be cool)
In my spare time, I think __[
watching movies with mom]__ is fun.
And I like to eat __[
cucumbers and marshmallows]__ when the day is done.
I like the color __[
pink, purple and green]__ when I am making art.
On Sunday __[
Sunbeams]__ is the class I go to
Singing __[
Popcorn Popping]__ is one of my favorite things to do
On __[
October 11]__ you can say “Happy Birthday” to me
Thanks for getting to know me!
Each week, one child is selected and the answers are read out one by one.
Then the other children in the room try to guess who the ‘spotlight’ is.
When GD3’s was read, things went something like this:
Teacher: I came down to earth from my Father above.
GD3 (loudly): Hey! I came down to earth too!
Teacher: My home has five people and one animal to love.
GD3 (more loudly): Hey! That’s the same as me!
Teacher: I like to go on doughnut dates with my family.
GD3 (louder yet): Hey! Doughnut dates! That’s what we do!
Teacher: If you see someone with hazel eyes and curly brown hair, it could be me.
GD3: Wow! I have hazel eyes! Look!
I think you can see where this is heading . . .
For every answer read, GD3 was deafeningly ecstatic that someone else liked/did/had the same things she did.
By the time the survey was done, every other person in the room had their hand up.
The first time, ever, that that had happened.
Primary. The most entertaining part of Sunday Church attendance.
P.S. I can see a future in theatre, but I do hope GD3 never tries to go into politics.


  1. I love her enthusiasm! My son did something similar in preschool. When the teacher read the part about red hair, my son looked around and said "hey, I didn't know anybody else had read hair in here". I miss those days!

  2. Definitely a career in theatre.

  3. Tree? Meet apple. Just sayin'. ;)


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