Thursday, May 14, 2015

Heavy Wishes

Let's see you squeeze out of that...
I found myself a genie.
Inside a bottle, too.
His master’d had a master Chef who’s rated ‘Cordon Bleu’.

Now, this may sound quite harmless,
In fact, it could be nice.
I know I’ve dreamed of such a cook in my life, once or twice.

But decades of indulgence,
And little of restraint,
And even genies can succumb to lures that’d try a saint.

It’s simple mathematics.
If it don’t come out, it stays.
And somehow settles on the hips and on the stomach, lays.

And so it was with Genie.
I guess he’s just like me.
I'd rather eat those past-e-ries and, Oh! Do you have brie?

So, now, I hold the bottle,
I’m ready for my wish,
But years of gross indulgence have made things rather squished.

Good thing the bottle’s pliable.
Good thing the walls are thin.
Bad thing that Mr. Genie weighed much less when he went in.

But I am so resourceful,
I won’t even need a fork,
I’ll simply squeeze the bottle – he will exit - like a cork.


  1. I love it! Your mind is an amazing thing. You never fail to amaze me!

  2. Haha, another good one, Diane! :)

  3. Iambic Trimeter! (It took me a minute.)
    Masterfully done.

  4. You never fail to amuse.
    I'd get that damn genie out if it killed me . . .

    1. Totally my reaction. Employ extraction maneuver number 1!

  5. Hah! I can see that genie soaring to new heights ... so to speak ...

  6. I always thought genies were magical enough to not gain weight, no matter what they ate. we mere mortal on the other hand, have to ration those pastries.

    1. I guess not all genies are created equal, River! :)

  7. Hi, Suzie. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Welcome to the neighbourhood!


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