Friday, May 1, 2015

Hot Mom

Watch me as I melt . . .
Have you noticed words you say
Mean something different today,
Than what they meant so long ago
When you were young and days went slow?

There are a few that fit, I think,
Like ‘gay’ and ‘pot’ and ‘spam’ and ‘shrink’.
But one I’ve kept throughout my life
As daughter, sister, mother, wife.

The word is ‘hot’, I’m here to say
And has been used most every day.
When I was four, it simply meant
I was too warm, my vigour spent.

Then teen-aged years crept up on me
And ‘hot’ meant something else, you see.
T’was what we all aspired to,
When hanging round the kids we knew.

But now I’m old, my hair is grey
And ‘hot’ is with me every day.
In seasons cold, and seasons warm,
Somehow the word has lost all charm.

‘Cause now it’s simply how I feel
When’er my world begins to reel.
The slightest stress, the merest strain
My temp is through the roof again.

So know, if you should hear me speak,
And perspiration starts to streak,
That being sexy’s mostly not
What’s meant when’er I say “I’m hot!”


  1. Well Diane, you may be hot,
    but what a way with words you've got!

    ...and this is sadly the extent of my own poetry ability! I admire your talent!

  2. Been there and done that lol....this too shall pass.

  3. You have my sympathy. And my admiration for the poetry that you are able to mine life to produce - seemingly with no effort :)

    1. You mean words don't just naturally do that for you? Huh.

  4. This too, shall pass. Hopefully quickly.

  5. Catching up with you today and what a treat! a poem! Stay cool, girl!


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