Thursday, June 4, 2015

In the Ear

Or something similar...
It was a quiet afternoon at the Stringam Senior home in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Grampa was multi-tasking: reading the newspaper and keeping track of his small grandson, Dale.
Dale, on the other hand, was ecstatic. He had a grand new toy. A water pistol ‘guaranteed to provide your child with hours of safe, exciting fun’.
There was one draw-back.
To enjoy said hours of safe, exciting fun, one needed to have the ability to fill the gun with water.
Let’s face it. Without water, it was just a plain, old, boring shooter.
For some time, Dale had been doing his best. Pretending that this new toy did something other than look the part.
And that was when my Dad came onto the scene.
Grampa emerged from his newspaper long enough for cheerful greetings, a quick recap of the day’s notable events - ie. Where was mother and what are you doing here at home – and Dad was free to make his way to the kitchen.
There he found his small nephew struggling mightily to fill his new toy with the water that put the final guarantee on an afternoon of safe, exciting fun.
Always up for a bit of high-jinks, Dad obligingly helped out. Then, with a smile, he told his nephew to (and I quote) “Go and shoot Grandpa.”
Grinning gleefully, the little boy disappeared.
Dad lingered quietly in the kitchen.
Because that’s the best place to wait when there is going to be gun-play in the front room.
His patience was rewarded with the sound of little footsteps trotting across the floor, a pause and a large grunt from Grandpa.
Or something similar.
Dad crossed the dining room to witness the final result.
Dale, still with his gleeful grin and gun at the ready, was standing beside Grandpa’s chair.
Grandpa was wiping the side of his face with a shirtsleeve.
“Did he get you?” Dad asked the glaringly obvious question.
Grampa levelled a look at him. “Yes,” he said. “Right in the ear!”
Dad. Noted water-fighter extraordinaire.
Training up the new generation to excellence.
It’s a family thing.
Grandma and Grandpa Stringam on a more successful babysitting day.
With my eldest sister and brother.


  1. So if I look up "instigator" in the dictionary, I imagine there will be a picture of you-know-who.

  2. This was such a cute story! I can just picture the whole thing; LOL.

  3. Love reading stories of your Dad.
    Water play was popular in my family too. My brother always cheated with TWO water pistols, while the rest of us only had one.

  4. So his pranks weren't just aimed at the younger folks but at his elders as well? Horrors! Had he no shame?! By now, we all know the answer to that :)

  5. I can't wait until little Izzy and Caleb are big enough to shoot this Grandpa! I'll be the instigator then haha!

  6. I'm still trying to get past the idea of a water pistol being shot inside. I don't think that would have ever happened in my grandparents house!


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