Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Home Again

I'm home!
And what a month!
Funerals. Travel. Dodging forest fires.
Collecting fruit.
Camping with wonderful friends and family.
Publishing yet another book.
But I've missed all of you!
Missed our daily visits.
Missed your insights and experiences.
I've realized that you make me a better writer.
And person.
Thank you!
Tomorrow, I will begin posting again.
But for now, know that you are always in my thoughts.

And because I simply can't resist, a little story:

Husby is known for his hoard of treats. Maybe I should capitalize the word 'Hoard'. Because that would be more accurate.
Some time ago, when our chicks and chicklets were visiting, Grandpa brought out something he hadn't produced for a while. Dino-sours.
And no, that isn't a typo . . .
They proved to be a great favourite. Again.
Littlest man (LM) was quite captivated and proved the he could shove quite a number in his mouth before he was caught and emptied by his mother.
He hovered around that bowl of gummy, sweet and sour deliciousness until it was well and truly empty.
Then they went home.
A few days later, that little family was shopping at Costco.
(Our favourite place on earth.)
While walking slowly  up the fairly extensive candy aisle, a display of those delicious dinosaur treats appeared.
LM toddled over and pointed excitedly. "Grampa!" he said clearly.
How would you like to be remembered?


  1. When my oldest grandchild was learning to talk, I was convinced that I would forever be called Pasta.

  2. Big smiles. It could be worse though. My mother was named Mrs Bosoms by the small boy next door. NOT a name she relished.

    1. Bwahahaha! I can understand.
      All the small next-door girl said to my mom was, "Gee, Mrs. String-am. You really have a messy house!"

  3. Welcome back Diane! I've missed you and your wonderful stories. Can't wait to hear about everything!

  4. I'm so glad you are back safe and sound!

    "chicks and chicklets" - ah, so sweet!

    Grampa knows the way to a child's heart, does he not?

    1. He does, Jenny. And to adults' hearts as well . . . :)

  5. I have certainly missed your entertaining stories; this was a cute one.
    I am happy you had a break and are back home safe.
    Looking forward to your posts again. Hugs!

  6. Ha Ha, Grampa is a dino-saur! I love that.
    Glad you had a lovely break and managed to out run the forest fires.

    1. What could be better, River! :) The forest fires were definitely scary! Especially when you are entirely surrounded by trees and not sure where the smoke is coming from!

  7. Boy have I missed you! I didn't think you were coming back haha! I'm having website issues so I'm going dark until the end of the month since my stats this month are already in the tank I might as well do it now! So I will be stuck in Wordpress hell for the next week in a half but I'll be around!

    1. Yeah. My stats are pretty much non-existent as well! :) Looking forward to a happy, problem free August! :)

  8. Welcome back Diane!! Congratulations on publishing another book!
    One thing I always remember about my grandmother is her cut glass, purple candy jar - filled with hard candies I never ate anywhere but at her house. Your husband has undoubtedly created similarly indelible memories for your grandkids! I'm glad you're back!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan! I'm way past excited!
      Yeah, I have similar memories of the drawer in the breakfront in Gramma's dining room. I love to think that our grandkids are growing up with those same memories!
      It's so good to be back!

  9. Wow...just read the first few pages on Amazon.....powerful stuff. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


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