Monday, August 17, 2015

Book Contest

My books are in and I'm announcing a contest!

For the next five days, I will be taking entries.
The three winners, drawn at random, will each receive one of my three new books. All you have to do to qualify is visit my website:
That's it. That's all. Respond here with 'Visited' and a word to describe your visit and you will be entered.
Good luck!

 Driving a busload of happy, young scouters on rain-slick roads John Benjamin Frosst is faced suddenly with the unimaginable. In a fraction of a moment, he makes a decision, selflessly offering his life in exchange for the lives of innocents.
Now confronted with the knowledge that the comfortable existence he had expected is in tatters, Ben realizes that, instead of doing the serving he loves, he must now humbly receive it from others.
Hampered by this new reality, the fine man that is still Ben Frosst discovers the term ‘handicapped’ is only a starting point from which to find new ways to give and to help.
That service comes in many forms.
And, with enough love and support, anything is possible.
 Sometimes, life simply doesn’t turn out the way you plan.And that's okay.
Diane Stringam Tolley’s newest Christmas novel is a charming, heart-warming story of sacrifice, love and the strength of family and community.

“For some of us receive one gift,
And some, another. True.
Her gift was drying silverware.
And mine? Is telling you.”

Diane Stringam Tolley’s Words is a collection of thoughts and feelings from six decades of living.
A happy romp from childhood to old age. Ranch to city life.
In rhyme.
And isn’t life just a little bit better in rhyme?


North Pole Society is uncomplicated.
But everything the Elves of the North Pole hold dear is about to be challenged and, perhaps, changed forever.
Can a society that has survived – even thrived – based on love and goodwill, endure the advent of modern ideas. Incentives programs?
Buzz words?
Can generations of innocence, helpfulness, friendliness and generosity outlast the introduction of an effiency expert?
Will the love that forms the beating heart of North Pole Society survive? 
In her long-awaited sequel to (Kris Kringle’s) Magic, Diane Stringam Tolley has created a tale of friendship, perseverance and the enduring power of love.


  1. Visited. Goodness you are talented, prolific and diligent. And love that you got to see your name up in lights.

  2. What a great contest. and boy, are you on point with your work!

  3. Visited. You have a beautiful author website!

  4. Visited. You have a beautiful author website!

  5. Visited. Sweet memories of our dear friend Bobbi Grey flooded over me upon seeing her photo with you

  6. Visited. And read. And got teary.

    Actually the teary part started before I even left this page - reading the synopsis of Snowman. Wah! ....... all your books sound good, Diane.

  7. And congratulations on the three new ones!

  8. Visited. Your name in lights! You're practically famous! Can't wait to read your books...they look fantastic!

  9. Visited. Your name in lights! You're practically famous! Can't wait to read your books...they look fantastic!

  10. Visited! I love books, so I would LOVE to win!

  11. Visited. Today and nearly every day :) They all sound wonderful.
    How fun it must be to see your own books all stacked up!

  12. Visited and i seems to like it enven more each time^^
    ( just a detail, it wasn't precised if this is open to international as well)

  13. Visited and had a lovely time scrolling through everything you do and reading the reviews. I like that you go to schools and talk to the kids. It's a very lovely website, I like that the background is the cover of your newest book.

  14. Oops, not the newest book...(*~*)

  15. I've ordered Snowman in paperback...I have the poems on my Kindle but I didn't know about Gnome for Christmas. You secret keeper you. Headed to Amazon right now to order.

  16. Visited! Loved the visit and plan on some purchases because I truly love your writings. I need to get a few books for my grandchildren visits.

  17. Visited!! I have the first two books and loved them. I read Snowman and it was delightful. I would like a copy of that book and your new one Gnome for Christmas. If I don't win them I guess I will just have to buy them!!!

  18. I had no idea you even had the other site! It's gorgeous! You are so talented Diane. I hope I have a tenth of the talent that you have. I've written and walked away now I'm halfway through my 1st edit then I plan to let it sit for a couple weeks and edit again...and again...and again! I hope I win I visited!

  19. Visited, Diane. Since I'm a fan of yours I knew about your books, of course, but had no idea you'd been keeping this website from me!


Thank you for visiting! Drop by again!