Monday, August 10, 2015

Cut-Throat I-Spy

We live a ten-minute drive from a large city.
A city that has more stores than our bustling little town.
Stores we occasionally need to shop at when we need something more than groceries.
Enough background . . .
We (Husby, Daughter, Granddaughter and me) were heading ‘into town’.
For a three-year-old, it is a long, exhausting trip.
A game of I-Spy was indicated.
For the first few turns, all went well.
Granddaughter would pose, “I spy with my teensy-tinesy little eye, something that is . . .”
You know the game.
She posed. We guessed.
We posed. Everyone guessed.
Then it was Husby’s turn.
He started out all right. “I spy with my little eye . . .”
But then it all fell apart, because he ended with: “. . . something that is red but not red like Mommy’s bicycle.”
There was a momentary silence in the back seat as this riddle was digested.
Then a high little three-year-old voice said, decisively, “That’s not right Grandpa!”
I want to emphasize the word ‘decisively’. Because nothing else better describes a little three-year-old playing a favourite game.
This statement was immediately followed by: “You’re out.”
What? No warning? No yellow card?
Straight to the red (but not red like Mommy's bicycle) card?
Did you know it’s possible to be immediately ejected from a game of I-Spy?
By a three-year-old?
Well, it is.
Take note.
Oh, sure. They look sweet and innocent.
But give them a striped sweater and a whistle . . .


  1. Lol! This is so darn funny! I'm looking forward to when my granddaughter gets to this age and hush me up! Lol

  2. Love it. The tiny dictators only see in black and white don't they? Definitely not in red (but not like Mommy's bicycle).

    1. Yes. We'll have none of that red stuff. That'll get you kicked out of the game for sure! :)

  3. Reminds me of my grandpa's favourite riddle:
    What is black and white and red all over? At least that's how the riddle sounded to me. The answer: a newspaper.
    His other favourite thing was to ask me if I got up before breakfast that morning.

  4. Hahaha! Having spent some time recently in the company of my niece's three year old daughter, this rings VERY TRUE!

    Your grand-daughters are so cute!

    1. I think the three-year-olds should have a club...
      And thank you. Sisters daughters. Blond, blue-eyed. And brown, hazel-eyed. Don't look much alike, do they?! But I love them all the same!!! :)

  5. Replies
    1. There's no life like it! Wait, isn't that the army slogan? Similar in so many ways . . .

  6. We've hit the 9 month mark here. We have a lot of squawling and laughing. I can't wait to have a two way conversation! I'm boring myself and them I think!

    1. Oh, I don't think you are capable of being boring! :)


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