Monday, September 7, 2015


What a marvellous two weeks!
Mountains. Oceans. Boats. Trees. Sightseeing. Yummy food. Comfy hotel beds.
And family.
The only thing missing was a dependable internet connection.
We got home last night.
Today? Recovery.
Because no holiday is a success unless you have to come home to recover from it.
Fenland Walk, Banff, Alberta. For the little guys.
And us old guys...

Lake Louise Sky Tram.
Lake Louise, Alberta.

My companions: Daughter and Granddaughter.

Daughter, SIL, Granddaughter and Aldo.
At the 'top' of Cascade, Banff, Alberta,

A mountain man we found up there...

Ellis River, BC - looking fantastic.

An old pair of seadogs. Tofino, BC

Seadog and son. Also in Tofino.

One of the amazing natural cedar sculptures.

Those cedars can twist themselves into the most impossible shapes.
Case in point: two complete loops!

One thing we found interesting was the leaping deer (okay, deer crossing) signs along our entire route:
And it reminded me of something hilarious I heard...
Donna and the Deer Crossing

One final thing.
We saw several of these signs:
And you have to know we didn't see One. Single. Hovering. Goat.
Not one.
Even after two weeks in the car.


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous time. Bet it was well worth it being unplugged from electronics and plugged into family fun time.

    1. You're totally right, Karen. Being unplugged and plugged in were perfect!

  2. It looks amazing. Rejuvenating. Beautiful.
    I am very sad you didn't see a hovering goat though.

  3. So glad that you had a wonderful vacation Diane! My sister has raved about time spent at Tofino, but we have yet to get there.Glad to know the only only deer you encountered were the roadsigns!

    1. I'm so sorry your deer meeting wasn't as benign, Susan. But you should definitely get to Tofino!

  4. it all looks beautiful - and cold! glad you had such a great time with the family. Nothing beats that! ~ Leanne

    1. Totally beautiful, Leanne! And you're right - compared to Down Under, it is cold. Family keeps you warm!

  5. Looks like a great holiday was had. I like the look of that walking trail and the beach too.

    1. The walking trail is great for young and old. And in between rather like it, too! :)

  6. I've never been to Tofino but it looks lovely! What a fun vacation - love the photos!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful vacation - it will help sustain you through the winter, I bet!

  8. Looks like an amazing time spent with family! Glad you got to enjoy some R & R!

  9. Looks like an amazing time spent with family! Glad you got to enjoy some R & R!


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