Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Untrained Sneakiness

Caitlin Age 3
Nine o'clock pm.
Six happy, grubby little bodies scrubbed clean and clothed in freshly-laundered pajamas.
Six sets of shiny, white teeth brushed.
Six heads of hair neatly brushed.
Six stories read.
Six songs sung.
Six sweet, heartfelt prayers.
Six (times six) hugs and kisses.
And six children finally tucked up between fresh, clean sheets.
All are asleep.
And now, their parents can relax, knowing that their happy, healthy and very active children have been properly prepared for a much-needed night's rest.
They can put their feet up and rejoice in a few stolen minutes of peace and calm. To visit together and catch up on the day's events.
All is well.
Then . . .
Little footsteps. Crossing the bedroom. Coming up the hall. Going into the kitchen.
The squeak of a refrigerator door.
Talk in the front room ceases. Two semi-alert parents are listening to the clandestine sounds.
Finally, the suspense is too much.
"Who's in the kitchen?"
Silence. A three-year-old intellect is working frantically.
"Who's there?"
"Ummm . . . not me!"
Healthy and clean and ready for bed? Yes.
Sneaky and clandestine and ready for a life of prevarication and/or crime? Not so much.


  1. In our house it was the parents who weren't good at sneaking. We'd sit down with a bowl of ice cream and when the spoon clinked the bowl we'd hear a little voice from the other room "I hear ice cream!"

  2. Way cute! What a sneaky little thing she was!

  3. I barely remember this!

    I do remember that hairstyle, though...

  4. Hahaha! But it's a GOOD thing you raised kids unfit for a life of crime, right?!

  5. "Not me" I love it.

  6. 'Not me' is the perfect response. One I still use.
    And is it just me, or do others long for the days when we were encouraged to go to bed early. And have naps..

    1. You know you're an adult when you no longer take naps, but wish you did!

  7. That reminds me of the time my post! I'm already halfway done and have enjoyed it so much. I had to do a little work but heading back soon!

  8. If I had to put 6 kids to bed, it is quite likely I would fall asleep before they did!! What an adorable photo!

  9. Hahaha - this reminded me of my older son, who used to sneak out of bed to hide behind the couch and listen to the adults. Just when you think they're sleeping soundly...

  10. Right up to "little footsteps crossing the bedroom" that could have been about my kids (except there were only four). They used to sneak across and climb into anyone else's beds and read by torchlight or tell jokes and giggle.


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