Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lights Out

Husby has always paid the bills in our home.
As a single income family and he the one earning the money, it seemed apropos.
He has also tried to convince his rather large family that we need to at least make a show of being economical.
It’s an uphill battle.
Lights are a biggie.
Because power is a biggie.
It isn’t unusual for one to hear – several times per day – the phrase, “You forgot to shut off the light!”
You’d think we’d learn.
Sometimes, though, the shoe is on the other foot.
With mixed results . . .
Husby and I were getting ready for bed.
Actually, he had already readied and was cozily cocooned and, I thought, drowsy.
I was a few minutes behind him.
I approached the closet wherein the change to pajamas would occur.
And noticed that he – the-mighty-earner-of-the-money-and-payer-of-the-bills – had left the light on.
My day (night) had come.
“You left the light on!” I said gleefully as I entered the closet.
I should probably mention here that some joker, when designing the closet, put the light switch on the outside.
No sooner had I closed the door, when the light went off.
Yeah. He thought it was pretty funny, too.


  1. No good deed goes unpunished. Does that fit here? Is reminding the person who likes the lights "off" that he left the light "on" a good deed? Yes, I'm sure it is. Our closet light switch is outside the door as well. Hmm. I think I've learned a lesson here ... Also, you can never tell when those fellas are sleeping and when they're just playing possum, can you?

  2. Ha Ha! He's a sneaky hubby.
    I remember comparing power bills with a neighbour once and she wanted to know how mine was $50 less than hers, when our houses were identical, we both had similar electrical equipment (TV etc) and we both had four children. The only thing we did differently was in my house lights got turned off when we left the room and the TV was turned off at the wall each night, not just turned off via remote control unit.

    1. A-ha! Obviously you and my Husby are on the same wavelength - so to speak.

  3. don't you love a sneaky man? at least you got your comment in before he got his revenge! My husband used to pay all the bills when we were younger, but that job seems to have fallen to me in recent years - I think he did the sneaky man thing there :)

  4. He got you that time. Poor man. It probably doesn't happen very often lol.

    1. And here is where I look down and chuckle secretly to myself . . .

  5. Ha! In my house I am the payer of all the bills. I'm not even sure my husband would know the name of the electric company. I am constantly complaining about lights and even worse the thermostat. Especially when mom and hubby declare a heat war. One turns it up to ungodly temps and the other turns it down to match the freezer. Up and down, up and down. I have been trying to get them to stay at a comfortable and economical 72 but it just doesn't work.


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