Friday, November 6, 2015

Mostly Good

I have a selective memory.
Sometimes, there’s a reason . . .
I was going on a date. A nice young man had asked and we were heading out to see a movie.
It was one I’d seen before. Death Wish. A Charles Bronson getting-it-done, bad-guys-beware sort of movie.
I had recommended it to my date. I had seen it already and remembered it as a most satisfying experience where the bag guys get got and crime in New York hits an all-time low.
All because of one man who, for some reason, decides to take the law into his own hands.
We pulled up to the drive-in entrance, paid our fee and found a place to park.
“You’ll love this movie!” I told my date as I stuffed popcorn into my mouth. “Charles gets it done!”
The lights came up on the screen. The opening credits. Opening scene.
Two women getting attacked in their own apartment.
I slid to the floor and stuffed my fingers into my ears.
My date, wide-eyed as he watched the screen, finally turned to me. “I thought you said it was a good movie!”
“Oh it is! Is the bad stuff over?”
“Ummm . . .”
I slid back into my seat. “Oh, I love this part! Where Charlie takes out his attackers with a roll of quarters!”
And, just like that, I realized something.
I had never seen the ‘bad part’.
I had covered my eyes and plugged my ears until that scene was over.
Fast forward forty years.
I still do the same. Ignore the ‘bad parts’. Well, first of all, I avoid violent movies altogether, but when I’m sitting through a movie and it unexpectedly dumps a nasty scene on me, I cover my eyes – usually with Husby’s hand. Let's face it, through my lens, Platoon was just a walk through the jungle with some soldiers.
I don't like it when good people get hurt. It happens enough in real life. I don't like it in my entertainment . . .
I’ve seen a lot of good movies.
Just don’t ask me to ‘scene-by-scene’ them for you.
I might leave something important out . . . 


  1. I do the same thing! I hate to see violent scenes so I always close my eyes during that part. As far as horror movies go---closing the eyes isn't good enough because there are always creepy sounds to go along with it. I just avoid those movies altogether.

  2. Snap.
    Except that I don't do many movies at all.

  3. I do not watch violent moves/shows or those that cause tension....I want entertainment not a heart attack.

  4. I do the same thing! I used to be addicted to real time crime shows but I found that they affect how I view people. So, no more! I now go for a calm and funny feeling over terror.

  5. So, how do you figure out ahead of time when to close your eyes and plug your ears? I just can't watch anything scary! Comedies are more my speed.

  6. I cover my eyes too often these days, not for the violence, but for the too-close-and-personal, kissing and almost sex scenes. There's just far too much of it.

  7. I'm with you Diane. The real world news is bad enough. I joined my son and husband while they were watching "the Black List" on tv last week - and immediately retreated upstairs when the scene turned violent!

  8. Certain movies and certain kinds of scenes do that to me. I haven't watched many movies lately.


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